Gun legislation question pertaining to CA

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Special Hen
Apr 19, 2007
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The only thing I know about gun legislation in CA is that I'd never live there willingly.

On the other hand....there are some game dev companies in Austin too. Not sure if anyone is hiring, but Austin seems to be popular for game dev as well.

I've noticed that yes, but the wife has family out there, hence more of an incentive. But, all depends who hires me :)


Special Hen
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for the information. I know it seems restrictive for people used to OK type laws, but trust me for an Englishman even CAs gun laws are lax!

To get a firearm in Britain, even a shotgun or rifle, you have to apply for a FAC, which involves talking to the local Chief Constable (basically Chief of Police for a county). You have to sit through interviews, background checks etc and when you finally get your FAC, you can't own more than one gun of a given calibre, nothing other than a bolt-action rifle or a shotgun, and you have to submit to inspections of your property to prove you have a gun safe and that its securely bolted to the wall and so on and so forth. These inspections take place every 6 to 9 months and are sometimes unannounced.

Lest to say, I didn't go through it myself, however members of my re-enactment group had, and its a long and winding road just to own a basic bolt-action rifle or even a smoothbore blackpowder musket.

Think we can all agree, anything is better than that!


Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the information. I know it seems restrictive for people used to OK type laws, but trust me for an Englishman even CAs gun laws are lax!

To get a firearm in Britain, even a shotgun or rifle, you have to apply for a FAC, which involves talking to the local Chief Constable (basically Chief of Police for a county). You have to sit through interviews, background checks etc and when you finally get your FAC, you can't own more than one gun of a given calibre, nothing other than a bolt-action rifle or a shotgun, and you have to submit to inspections of your property to prove you have a gun safe and that its securely bolted to the wall and so on and so forth. These inspections take place every 6 to 9 months and are sometimes unannounced.

Lest to say, I didn't go through it myself, however members of my re-enactment group had, and its a long and winding road just to own a basic bolt-action rifle or even a smoothbore blackpowder musket.

Think we can all agree, anything is better than that!

Yes you made a very positive step but things are sooooooooo much better elsewhere(not just firearms laws but economically also).I wouldn't be surprised to see Ca. have some kind of economic melt down greater than the property tax revolt they had years ago. Steve


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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That wasn't really the question gentlemen, although I appreciate the input. My decision is my own and I won't continue that branch of the discussion.

I'll take a look at the links and investigate. If I end up having to sell my SMLE, well, no huge skin off my nose. However, I am figuring there must be some way to own a rifle in CA, as there is a major First World War re-enactment group out there. Can't really do Gallipoli without a Lithgow...

Well I have to say that based on your willingness to give up your 2A rights (and your precious SMLE) in order to live in the land of milk and honey (and smog, inflation and bad politics), you're not very invested in the 2A rights that we hold dear. All those restrictions and red tape you complain about in the UK are a direct result of people like yourself, who would prefer to own firearms but aren't willing to stand up for those rights.

Sometimes standing up for your rights means personal sacrifice. But if they aren't important to you, have fun in CA! :wave:


Special Hen
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
It might, but ultimately I have to go where the work is. If I can get a good job here, great, but if I'm offered a job with a software dev company out there, better believe i'll take it.

Till then I'll be here in Okieland :)

Also, my right to own a gun and my SMLE are less important to me than my family. If I have to sacrifice them for my family I will. However this is all a little premature, California has not banned guns full stop, just added restrictions. Restrictions that may effect owning the AR-15s that so many gun owners here fawn over, or restriciting the right to carry concealed firearms (which I always thought was odd anyway) etc.

I've had people tell me on here that I should look after no.1, that why should they pay for me and so forth. Well why should I worry about whether automatic firearms or even semi-autos are restricted or banned. As seems to be the attitude here, thats not my problem.

Anyways, not trying to get involved in that argument again, I just dislike another thread where it turns to "its people like you who are to blame". Might want to examine your own attitudes before I am (and people like me are) blamed for the negative view society has of gun culture.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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It might, but ultimately I have to go where the work is. If I can get a good job here, great, but if I'm offered a job with a software dev company out there, better believe i'll take it.

Till then I'll be here in Okieland :)

Also, my right to own a gun and my SMLE are less important to me than my family. If I have to sacrifice them for my family I will. However this is all a little premature, California has not banned guns full stop, just added restrictions. Restrictions that may effect owning the AR-15s that so many gun owners here fawn over, or restriciting the right to carry concealed firearms (which I always thought was odd anyway) etc.

I've had people tell me on here that I should look after no.1, that why should they pay for me and so forth. Well why should I worry about whether automatic firearms or even semi-autos are restricted or banned. As seems to be the attitude here, thats not my problem.

Anyways, not trying to get involved in that argument again, I just dislike another thread where it turns to "its people like you who are to blame". Might want to examine your own attitudes before I am (and people like me are) blamed for the negative view society has of gun culture.

You sir, are neither prepared nor are you capable of defending your family in the event of an armed criminal assault. I would say that you willingly abdicate your responsibility to protect your family. You can bury your head in the sand and rely on the likelihood of not becoming a crime statistic, but when it comes to ensuring the safety of your family from violence, you fail.

As a gun owner, "society" as you call it views you as weak. They realize that if they can get more so called gun owners to abdicate their rights, they can use you as example against the rest of us. Personally, I consider myself a full fledged member of this American society. I've fought for it and live in it. So you'll kindly excuse me when I take a moment to educate others as to it's origins and purpose.

There are quite a few members on this forum that take an opposing view on many topics. I actually enjoy jousting with them and exchanging the occasional barb. I think it adds flavor to the discussions. While I might count myself somewhat conservative, I don't care to always hear the same views over and over. Preaching to the choir gets old after a while.

But I can honestly say that you're the first person to come on this board with whom I can find no common bond. You're only interested in your SMLE for pretend war games, with no thought as to the freedoms that our troops have fought and died for. Unlike the UK, we weren't fighting WW-I and WW-II for our survival. We fought on principle! We fought knowing that tyranny and oppression are despicable traits, while free from the yoke of said evil ourselves. These things are not national views, but deeply held personal beliefs that extend to evil and tyranny on an individual scale.

So your failure to understand why we fight for the right to own AR-15's and other "automatic firearms or even semi-autos" may not be a narrowly held view, but it's contemptible nonetheless. I've no use for your viewpoints on gun ownership. You'll have the distinction of being the first person to be put on my ignore list.

I hope you fare well here in America. I also hope that you and your family never have to toil under the yoke of tyranny and oppression, nor fall prey to criminals. Despite the fact that you'll have done nothing to prevent these things from happening yourself. So enjoy designing your video games and playing war fantasy, safe in the knowledge that some of us are willing to do far more on your behalf, whether you ask for it or not.



Special Hen
Dec 3, 2008
Reaction score
To actually (hopefully) answer the question, I think the only guns you need to register when moving to California are concealable weapons and those on the banned list.

You should be fine with low-capacity long guns and shotguns.


Special Hen
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
You're only interested in your SMLE for pretend war games, with no thought as to the freedoms that our troops have fought and died for

Clearly you know nothing of the mentality of reenactors, not that you can read this if you have truly put me on your ignore list. Your claim is a total 180 on the actual attitude I and many other re-enactors have.

But, I'm clearly talking to myself. You've made sweeping assumptions about me which couldn't be more wrong. Hence I've no desire to see your views either, bigot.

Anyways, thank you tb556, you actually answered my question. Thank you! Honest answers without having to make personal attacks. A rarity here.

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