No More Private Farms

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Feb 25, 2006
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Ponca City,OK.
Dutch farmers are being told they have to kill their livestock because of the nitrates and ammonia they create. Dutch farmers were protesting by fill streets with tractors. There is a push there to do away with private farms and have governments control the growing and distribution of food. This was reported on OAN this morning. They say it is coming to Canada next and then the USA. No doubt this is more about people control than giving a damn about the environment. Maybe this is why so much farmland is being bought up by the very rich and China. They can get a sweetheart deal leasing the land to Government corporate farm growers. Control the media, healthcare, transportation, education, energy, and the food supply then the only thing left is the guns. Slavery is getting closer all the time.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
My wife's grandfather died at 94 years old recently.
He milked his cows for decades by himself and sold the milk to the Schwan.

They came out and picked up the milk from the big stainless container it was in.
One benefit was they gave him Free ice cream like Ice cream sandwiches etc.
And paid him for the milk of course.

He got prostate cancer but milked those cows until he was 92.
There are still small dairies.
This was in Cameron Missouri.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Arrow Repaired
My wife's grandfather died at 94 years old recently.
He milked his cows for decades by himself and sold the milk to the Schwan.

They came out and picked up the milk from the big stainless container it was in.
One benefit was they gave him Free ice cream like Ice cream sandwiches etc.
And paid him for the milk of course.

He got prostate cancer but milked those cows until he was 92.
There are still small dairies.
This was in Cameron Missouri.
I think the issue we should be concerned with is when a government tries to forcibly remove individuals from their land and farms with regulations we should all be concerned. If you aren unaware what is happening in Holland and to a lesser extend Italy, you should care and care deeply about what the WEF leaders around the world are doing. (Who are the WEF Leaders most of Europe, Canada, Australia, Sri Lanka). What I find most interesting is someone here just saw it in the news this morning (it’s been going on for months with almost zero news coverage). The new World Order is here it’s not longer hidden, its no longer conspiracy it‘s openly operating in plain sight. Your personal car is wasteful and you don’t need it, you don’t need meat either hahaha. The reality is this we are actually going to end up with a blend of Soylent Green and 1984 in out fast approaching dysopia.


Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
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I think the issue we should be concerned with is when a government tries to forcibly remove individuals from their land and farms with regulations we should all be concerned. If you aren unaware what is happening in Holland and to a lesser extend Italy, you should care and care deeply about what the WEF leaders around the world are doing. (Who are the WEF Leaders most of Europe, Canada, Australia, Sri Lanka). What I find most interesting is someone here just saw it in the news this morning (it’s been going on for months with almost zero news coverage).
ECHO THAT. All while the pasture maggots / sheep sleep.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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I think the issue we should be concerned with is when a government tries to forcibly remove individuals from their land and farms with regulations we should all be concerned.
The issue is that there are people who will DO that bidding - it ain't "the government". Anyone charged with arresting, fining, or harassing citizens for any of this are the enemy. You know who they are. "Just doing my job" is a bullsh*t excuse. Tyranny can't spread without willing participants, whether they support the ideology, or do it for a pension or a paycheck. The human suffering during the last century could not have occurred, and the despotic BS could not have occurred without the Gestapo, Stasi, NKVD, etc. Stalin wasn't about to go out and do the work himself.

If it comes to that, I hope as many "enforcers" die as can be killed. THEY are the true enemy of the people. In the words of one of our idiotic Presidents: "you're either with us, or against us". Pick your side.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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There are city governments in the US, with ordinances against growing your own vegetables.

Gets harder every year to find seed. Especially if you are looking for non-GMO. Very few know anything about growing your own, much less gathering and saving seeds.

It is going to get a lot worse, quickly.

The Gates /Soros planned bio-attack has proven the sheeple will blindly and joyfully step in line.

Those that know, can and do grow a garden; will be labeled criminals. Besides acquiring seeds, they will have to protect the garden from the starving.

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