Question about End of Days, Rapture, Tribulation

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Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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Not with my mother, she is old skool Catholic I guess, she has been in a fit ever since she found out that I am going to be cremated same day I die with no service, not even a traditional indian service with a wake, etc like my family does things. I was raised Catholic, my entire maternal side of my family is Catholic and indian, but I have not been active in the church since I was in jr highschool and as Agnostic I do not want a service either.

How bout a memorial party/jam session?


Nov 9, 2009
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Things change, the new belief in the Roman Catholic Religion is Cremation is now OKay. I still want to deal with the worms. LOL

Exactly my point about my wife and i believing we are living in the great apostacy. You cant just change a religion. If it was right then, then it is right now. If it was wrong then, it is wrong now. We believe that since Vatican II, the real Catholic church has basically been under siege by modernists and liberal reformers. We dont believe that those sitting in Vatican City are actually representing the Roman Catholic Church founded by Christ. They are running a pseudo-Catholic religion in name only...think of it like a false flag. Another example is the softened stance toward gays and the softened stance on the use of contraceptives, traditionally issues the Church was resolute on.

Its not something someone would understand unless they knew what the Church prior to Vatican II taught. Most modern Catholics dont, unfortunately.


Special Hen
May 23, 2008
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Moore, home of the F5 Tornado!
Exactly my point about my wife and i believing we are living in the great apostacy. You cant just change a religion. If it was right then, then it is right now. If it was wrong then, it is wrong now. We believe that since Vatican II, the real Catholic church has basically been under siege by modernists and liberal reformers. We dont believe that those sitting in Vatican City are actually representing the Roman Catholic Church founded by Christ. They are running a pseudo-Catholic religion in name only...think of it like a false flag. Another example is the softened stance toward gays and the softened stance on the use of contraceptives, traditionally issues the Church was resolute on.

Its not something someone would understand unless they knew what the Church prior to Vatican II taught. Most modern Catholics dont, unfortunately.

Bring back the Medieval Inquisition! We have had some very dark times in Roman Catholic history, that had to be corrected. I remember the days when everything was in latin. And in California there was not just one Roman Catholic church in every town but many. And there was reference to the church everywhere you went, because of the major conquerors being the Spaniards, they set up town around the churches.

It was a real shock when I first moved to Oklahoma.

Back to the original question, there were many of the books that never made it into the Catholic Bible, that did make it to the other Bibles like the King James version. Then there were several writings about the Rapture that were written after the books that went into the Bible were decided.


Special Hen
May 23, 2008
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Moore, home of the F5 Tornado!
Yeaa, perfect. I might even leave a note in my will to pay for a few kegs of beer and some bourban or something.

So you may want more of an Irish Wake, or Wake that you may find around New Orleans, what about all of us that play instruments and sign having a very large jam. This is starting to sound pretty good. What about have it before you pass? What is your name again? LOL


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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One of my favorite topics.

First off, separate the Bible into 2 parts. OT and NT. Understand that Jesus was a practicing Jewish at the time of his death.

What was written after his death needs to be put in perspective. The followers of Jesus (those who actually knew him or of him) all fervently believed that OT prophecy was actually being fulfilled and expected a 2nd comming and end during their lifetimes.

It didn't happen.

Once them first followers died off and Paul took over, that's when stuff got skewed into the things we believe today. Councils of Nicea and Trent were really a sham by today's scholars......Lotsa political BS, especially the whole 3 into 1, father/son/spirit thing.

Today's scholars probably wouldn't include much of what's in the NT today, especially Revelations, a chunk of Matthew and some of Luke. Lotsa Paul's letters are very often taken out of context.

Overall I'm of the opinion that what's been taught since the advent of the printing press has skewed Christianity beyond hope. It's now a crapshoot.

Be good, love and forgive.


I'm just jacking with you, sorry, this stuff does get interesting doesn't it? Maybe it should be pointed out that you didn't pull that "Pauline Heresy" idea out of your ass, it came from scholars as many things have, but which scholars are right?

What was the true goal of the council of Nicea, spiritual or political? What kind of "Christian" was Constantine?

It's said many holy men gathered, how holy were they if they wanted those with different beliefs than theirs to be banished or persecuted and their beliefs made a crime just as it had been done to them in the past?

As for the rapture stuff it's interesting to also look at Dispensationalism and Futurism, what are they? Who came up with them? Who was John Nelson Darby and what did he have to do with it? What effect has all this had on rapture doctrine and Christianity? And what effect has Christianity had on politics? And since I've said the "P" word the question arises; should we not always be leery when those who profess to teach/decide the "truth" may have a potential "conflict of interest" be it power(political) or material(wealth)?

Do we have the whole story?, what about the apocryphal books, they were in the original King James Bible, why were they removed? It's also interesting to note that the Revelation of John wasn't accepted into canon and was considered apocryphal (along with some other books) until after the 5th. century(most were accepted by the 2nd. Cen.)
Greek or Hebrew, Jerome or Augustine, the Protestant Reformation reopened that so is further reformation and change possible? How canon/doctrine(O.T., Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Church of England) developed is an interesting issue in itself.

What about the Gnostic Gospels found in Nag Hammadi? They're very old like the Dead sea scrolls, some scholars contend they're older than the gospels in the NT. And what about the Dead sea scrolls, the Book of Enoch?,who were the Essenes? If we're to rely on the decisions of men about what the Bible/truth is should we not study and discern the nature of those men?

Some say we have all we need in the Bible now, if we take that at face value there are still many questions.

We're told Jesus said "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." There's also "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many", and "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many". Taken at face value those would seem to indicate that mainstream ideas with large followings might very well be wrong.

And what if what we have/accept isn't accurate? Is "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" really supposed to be in the Bible?


Nov 9, 2009
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Bring back the Medieval Inquisition! We have had some very dark times in Roman Catholic history, that had to be corrected. I remember the days when everything was in latin. And in California there was not just one Roman Catholic church in every town but many. And there was reference to the church everywhere you went, because of the major conquerors being the Spaniards, they set up town around the churches.

It was a real shock when I first moved to Oklahoma.

Back to the original question, there were many of the books that never made it into the Catholic Bible, that did make it to the other Bibles like the King James version. Then there were several writings about the Rapture that were written after the books that went into the Bible were decided.

Not sure your point regarding the Inquisition. I am referring to doctrinal changes. The inquisition had nothing to do with doctrine. Teaching against cremation, bestiality, and contraception are doctrinal issues. Those do not change over time, or you fundamentally have a new religion. The Novus Ordo Church espouses beliefs contradictory to traditional Catholicism.

Back to topic.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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I always figured that meant that all the other "Gods" were just so much statuary.

It seems if not other Gods there were at least other "forces"...

1Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts. For each one threw down his staff and they turned into serpents. But Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs.


Aug 14, 2012
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I'm just jacking with you, sorry, this stuff does get interesting doesn't it? Maybe it should be pointed out that you didn't pull that "Pauline Heresy" idea out of your ass, it came from scholars as many things have, but which scholars are right?

What was the true goal of the council of Nicea, spiritual or political? What kind of "Christian" was Constantine?

It's said many holy men gathered, how holy were they if they wanted those with different beliefs than theirs to be banished or persecuted and their beliefs made a crime just as it had been done to them in the past?

As for the rapture stuff it's interesting to also look at Dispensationalism and Futurism, what are they? Who came up with them? Who was John Nelson Darby and what did he have to do with it? What effect has all this had on rapture doctrine and Christianity? And what effect has Christianity had on politics? And since I've said the "P" word the question arises; should we not always be leery when those who profess to teach/decide the "truth" may have a potential "conflict of interest" be it power(political) or material(wealth)?

Do we have the whole story?, what about the apocryphal books, they were in the original King James Bible, why were they removed? It's also interesting to note that the Revelation of John wasn't accepted into canon and was considered apocryphal (along with some other books) until after the 5th. century(most were accepted by the 2nd. Cen.)
Greek or Hebrew, Jerome or Augustine, the Protestant Reformation reopened that so is further reformation and change possible? How canon/doctrine(O.T., Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Church of England) developed is an interesting issue in itself.

What about the Gnostic Gospels found in Nag Hammadi? They're very old like the Dead sea scrolls, some scholars contend they're older than the gospels in the NT. And what about the Dead sea scrolls, the Book of Enoch?,who were the Essenes? If we're to rely on the decisions of men about what the Bible/truth is should we not study and discern the nature of those men?

Some say we have all we need in the Bible now, if we take that at face value there are still many questions.

We're told Jesus said "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." There's also "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many", and "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many". Taken at face value those would seem to indicate that mainstream ideas with large followings might very well be wrong.

And what if what we have/accept isn't accurate? Is "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" really supposed to be in the Bible?

Yep its interesting alright. I'm just gonna claim ignorance and hope God is just and understanding. After all it ain't my fault sinners n idiots fugged up the whole system. I didn't ask to be born anyway.

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