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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
US Army here, but you asphalt combat worriors don't have a clue what it takes to turn a high school grad into a killing machine with no concience. I won't bore you with the details.
Put yourself in this situation. The first day in country, when getting off a plane, you take fire, and have to dodge sappers with AK's while unarmed, no where to hide, just run.
Week two, make your way to an outpost where 1/2 of them were killed the night before. Go on patrols with the survivors the next day. Find a forward observer with his nards placed into his empty eye sockets, and his own penis stuck in his mouth after being cut off. You wonder if he was still alive when this happened.
The anger and rage build.
Another patrol from the same outpost is ambushed a week later, and the wounded have a bullet between the eyes, or in the back of the head. The anger and rage continue to build.
You have to get permission from HQ to fire at the enemy unless engaged first. Your brothers in arms have to be killed or wounded first before returning fire, even though the enemy is in clear sight. The anger and rage continue to build.

Endure an assault where women and children were used as human shields. The rage and anger go out the top.

Day after day, week after week, month after month, the same thing happens. Your so angry, or if like some, brain dead, and willing to die to get out of the crap anyway possible.
That is the breaking point between living and giving up.
Individual soldiers handle the stress of war and killing in different ways. Some regress, some become more violent and some relish the killing.
I've seen soldiers fire over cover and never look to see where they are shooting. The look in their eyes tells everything. They have given up. They are ready to die. Way back in the day, it was called battle fatigue.

The dumbass that posted that video should have his nards kicked.

Those on here judging those soldiers without knowing the whole story need to have your nards kicked as well.


Special Hen
Jun 21, 2011
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I think it was not behavior we as Americans want to display, however the Taliban calls for the United Nations to take action. Really!!! The Taliban has on numerous occasions kidnapped and murdered people and put on TV and the Internet. SOB's


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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"F*ck 'em", "they deserved it", "I'd pee on them too", "I'd do more than pee on them". Those are the caliber of comments of a people that blather on about them being a 3rd world, stone-age people? I get young guys doing some ill-advised stuff in a hellishly stressful environment. I don't get guys at home with a superiority complex, with a mindset that isn't much better than the hand-wipers they're disparaging.

A lot of us have walked a mile in their shoes. I happen to have one of those multi-colored things HMFIC posted It's a USMC Combat Action Ribbon in case you didn't know). So us "guys at home with a superiority complex" can relate because we've been there.

Completely agree! +1000. Don't send our youth to fight unconstitutional wars if you can't stand the reality of battle. The congress should be held responsible for all acts of war, not the soldiers. It is our elected officials that put our soldiers into harm's way. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

This. The first political hack I see condemning them is in my crosshairs. They're under such stress because they expect combat troops to build infrastructure and hand out candy in a hostile area, and defeat the enemy in a sanitary fashion without ever loosing their cool. These aren't remotely piloted drones you can just turn on and off on a whim. They're living, breathing meat eaters with highly tuned BS sensors. Politicians consider them a consumable commodity for their political use. I can assure you that those Marines don't feel that way. I remember taking fire in a combat zone, only to hear that some asshat politician was lying to the public about it the next day! It's infuriating that they consider the lives of our brave troops to be worth so little. This IS one of the reasons I support RP for prez. He understands the value of a Marine's life. He will not engage us in combat without clear goals and proper declarations. He will not leave our troops in so-called "police actions" while hostile enemies remain. War should be war and peace should be peace, with no in between. Those in between areas are where crap like this happen. Don't want out troops pissing on the dead enemy? Then get them the f&@k out of there! :mad:


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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The part of the Big P supporters I love? "Just don't get involved and the world will like us better" Except then we get blamed for not getting involved.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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The part of the Big P supporters I love? "Just don't get involved and the world will like us better" Except then we get blamed for not getting involved.

A lot fewer of our guys come home in boxes or bandages when we just get blamed for not getting involved. I like that a whole lot better.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
"F*ck 'em", "they deserved it", "I'd pee on them too", "I'd do more than pee on them". Those are the caliber of comments of a people that blather on about them being a 3rd world, stone-age people? I get young guys doing some ill-advised stuff in a hellishly stressful environment. I don't get guys at home with a superiority complex, with a mindset that isn't much better than the hand-wipers they're disparaging.

I wasn't blathering. I've walked a mile in their shoes. I too earned the colored ribbons that allow me to speak from personal experience.

My point is, and always was, that their actions are understandable. Not excusable or beyond reproach, just understandable. Punish, educate, then move out. It's not worth the hand-wringing and fainting couches.

I'm not getting into the bigger political angle of this...other than to agree that they hated us long before a couple of Marines pissed on some dead bodies. They hated us before we went into Iraq and Afghanistan, and they hated us before 9-11. Sure, it doesn't help the situation, but it's not the cause of it. I've been close enough to at least one of them to smell his stink and look into his eyes and see the outright hate and evil behind them...and it wasn't driven by a video on youtube. It was deeper and more primal than that pop culture bullsh$t.

I'm sick about this. Sick about the damage it will do, sick about the political hay people will make out of it, and sick about the additional stress those Marines will now have to go through....
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