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Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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We tried to stay out of WW2 because we had the same mindset that the Big P has, it cost us 4 times as many dead.

Did our non-interventionist policies cause more casualties in WWII than the War on Terror?

Or was it the fact we were engaged in a two-fronted war across continents, against massive armies possessing weaponry as state of the art as we had at the time; rather than engaging small factions of radicals using guerrilla tactics with improvised devices and substandard surplus armament?


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
We shouldn’t have gotten involved in WWI, and though we were following an isolationist policy pre-WWII (again, the “big P” is a non-interventionist, not isolationist – but keep trying), our leaders were looking for an excuse to get into the war despite public opinion against it. Japan gave them the excuse, and Hitler – who didn’t want to fight us – declared war by default as he was allied with Japan. So we were drug into WWII, but had the U.S. not intervened in WWI, one could say there likely wouldn’t have been a WWII, at least not in the time period in which it occurred, and certainly not for the reasons that it occurred.

Please don't start the "what would've happened" history revisionist crap. In WWI, The Germans were intervening in the Mexican Revolution promising American land back to them if they allied with them. You also left out the German saboteurs who were active here in the U.S. trying to stop arms and supplies being sent to England, and unrestricted U-boat attacks on NEUTRAL ships in which thousands of U.S. citizens lost their lives. That's the reason we RIGHTFULLY declared war on Germany in WWI. And if we hadn't been "dragged" into WWII, how many more millions would've been killed in the camps??? THIS is the kind of rhetoric J.B.'s Uncle Hermann would be proud of in my opinion.

Super Dave

Special Hen
Jul 26, 2009
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US Army here, but you asphalt combat worriors don't have a clue what it takes to turn a high school grad into a killing machine with no concience. I won't bore you with the details.
Put yourself in this situation. The first day in country, when getting off a plane, you take fire, and have to dodge sappers with AK's while unarmed, no where to hide, just run.
Week two, make your way to an outpost where 1/2 of them were killed the night before. Go on patrols with the survivors the next day. Find a forward observer with his nards placed into his empty eye sockets, and his own penis stuck in his mouth after being cut off. You wonder if he was still alive when this happened.
The anger and rage build.
Another patrol from the same outpost is ambushed a week later, and the wounded have a bullet between the eyes, or in the back of the head. The anger and rage continue to build.
You have to get permission from HQ to fire at the enemy unless engaged first. Your brothers in arms have to be killed or wounded first before returning fire, even though the enemy is in clear sight. The anger and rage continue to build.

Endure an assault where women and children were used as human shields. The rage and anger go out the top.

Day after day, week after week, month after month, the same thing happens. Your so angry, or if like some, brain dead, and willing to die to get out of the crap anyway possible.
That is the breaking point between living and giving up.
Individual soldiers handle the stress of war and killing in different ways. Some regress, some become more violent and some relish the killing.
I've seen soldiers fire over cover and never look to see where they are shooting. The look in their eyes tells everything. They have given up. They are ready to die. Way back in the day, it was called battle fatigue.

The dumbass that posted that video should have his nards kicked.

Those on here judging those soldiers without knowing the whole story need to have your nards kicked as well.

What Dennis said!

Just take the cameras away, and let them get back to work.

We who sit in the safe comforts of our own house, office, and country have no right to say anything about how those kids do their job. If you don't like it, sign up, go over there, and show everybody just how it's done, otherwise, shut the fu*k up.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
LOL. If you are posting videos of defiling corpses, you are a traitor. I don't need a ribbon to complain about a traitor. I say take their guns and uniforms and discharge them over there. Maybe hold them liable for civil damages from the next terrorist attack?

LOL at what?
Hold them liable for terrorist damages???

I think this serves as a good example of the type of attitude and speech that is just beyond reason on this subject.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2011
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Del City
We see the videos released by "them" and think, "those savages, we're better than them!" Prove it...BTW this is coming from someone currently active duty, with deployments and firefights under my belt, so none of the "you go over there!" crap.

Super Dave

Special Hen
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
We see the videos released by "them" and think, "those savages, we're better than them!" Prove it...BTW this is coming from someone currently active duty, with deployments and firefights under my belt, so none of the "you go over there!" crap.

I guess you are just better than them then.

I don't think "we" have made any beheading videos yet. If I'm wrong, please forgive me.


I find it odd that there is so much more world wide outrage over this compared to videos of peoples heads being cut off.

i agree... i mean look at what these guys are going through over there. those MF'rs are shooting at them. how many close friends could you see die by your side at a enemies hand before you went crazy. i honestly think that if i was there in close arms battle with the Taliban, seeing my friends get shot that i would probably be slaying them and pissing on there bodies also. after all the stuff i have heard from friends that have been over there we could never catch up to the inhumane **** they do.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
Del City
I guess you are just better than them then.

I don't think "we" have made any beheading videos yet. If I'm wrong, please forgive me.

By "them", I was referring to Taliban, Al Qaeda. And we've only made the R. Kelly video and a few other random photo ops that have popped up over the years.
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