Darn Blood Pressure

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
It has been a while, but I used to take the Lisinipril. After a visit with a new doctor, she recommended Losartan Potassium as an alternative to the Lisinipril. If I remember right, she said it was about the same but I would be coughing less. Apparently, Lisinipril causes some of that. I think I once heard that Lisinipril also affects one's libido, but I wouldn't know on that.

My blood pressure seems to generally be pretty good, except when I go to the doctor's office. When the pressure is tested there, I tend to be about 30 to 40 points higher.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 6, 2010
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I used to be on valsartan until they said it had something in it that could cause cancer. So my
doctor put me on Losartan and it keeps my BP under control with no side effects. So you might
try Losartan or one of the other types like it.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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A couple months back I had my annual blood test/checkup and found my blood pressure was running high. I’m on a low dose of lisinopril and apparently it wasn’t cutting the mustard, after charting it for two weeks I was running an average of 148/96. Started monkeying around with what time of the day is best for me with no improvement so my doc decided to double my dose taking one 10mg pill in the morning and one just before bed. Took three weeks to see any change but now I think I may have gone a little too far. For the last week I’ve been running pretty low having just taken another reading that was 106/60 😳. Gettin’ old stinks.

When I was first diagnosed, my meds were changed 9 times by 3 Drs. before finally getting a combo that worked. Been taking the same (Loetrel and Toprol) for 18 years.
Was on lisinopril for less than 2 weeks. Every time I sat down, I would fall asleep for an hour or two. Couldn't drive, couldn't function.

Keep on top of it. Everybody reacts differently.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 17, 2020
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When I was first diagnosed, my mess were changed 9 times by 3 Drs. before finally getting a combo that worked. Been taking the same (Loetrel and Toprol) for 18 years.
Was on lisinopril for less than 2 weeks. Every time I sat down, I would fall asleep for an hour or two. Couldn't drive, couldn't function.

Keep on top of it. Everybody reacts differently.
I only take amlodipine (very low dose) as weight loss, exercise & diet have been instrumental in my CV health. I declined lisinopril as the side effects scare me. Seen too many patients with ace inhibitor angioedema. I don’t want to risk a trach (or even just an icu admission) just to keep my BP under control. Best to discuss with docs to get the best combo.


Special Hen
Jul 5, 2021
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st Louis
A couple months back I had my annual blood test/checkup and found my blood pressure was running high. I’m on a low dose of lisinopril and apparently it wasn’t cutting the mustard, after charting it for two weeks I was running an average of 148/96. Started monkeying around with what time of the day is best for me with no improvement so my doc decided to double my dose taking one 10mg pill in the morning and one just before bed. Took three weeks to see any change but now I think I may have gone a little too far. For the last week I’ve been running pretty low having just taken another reading that was 106/60 😳. Gettin’ old stinks.
That 106/60 has always been my normal resting range, until my son...."the doctor"....coerced me into getting the COVID shots before traveling extensively in my motor coach. Within a week after getting the second shot, BP had risen 20 points. Two years later, still up 12-15 points. He and DIL went to Alaska last Fall, both came home with COVID....of course, vacced to the hilt. Getting old may stink. But, for now, it beats the other alternative. One day, you will suddenly think NOT. Saw that in all my realitives. One day each one decided it wasn't better, and they passed on. Buried numbers 16, 17, and 18 in 2022; one already in 2023. "last man standing" has taken on a new meaning for me. But, for now, getting old is still my preference. It's just weird being the same age as all those old people!!!!! How did I get this old, this fast? And, who is that old geezer in my morning mirror. How did he get in there? Exploring a Restraining Order against him. Will advise.

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