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Lone Wolf '49

Special Hen
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
I loathe the common bulk of human substance.

I have to agree with you, sir. But, in my little part time job, being retired from the real world for eleven years, makes me wonder many times and I really shouldn't judge people from what I see on those two days a week, but I really worry about a LOT of things. I think you may grasp what I speak of.

Lone Wolf '49

Special Hen
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
I've never been a fan of two-legged mammals. Are most on this site anti-social?

Drives my extrovert wife crazy.

I am anti-social (a fan of the humanoids or was before leaving the real world as I thought it was) except for those I have or they have gained my trust, and before I retired I was a very trusting person of people.


Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
Boy I dunno ... When GC and I got together and I would tell him some of the stuff that went on he would give me that look ... you know that "I'll humor her but nobody is that bad" one. Even asked me when I was gonna introduce him to my folks and I told him "when I'm ready to get rid of your arse".

THEN he met them at my grandson's funeral. They couldn't even behave long enough for me and my son to get his infant son in the ground ... what a mess ... :bah::grumble:

Sounds exactly like my wife's family!!! Its one of the reason's I'm glad they don't want to visit Ok, cause their visit would be short!! Last time they were all together(During my wife's mothers funeral) at least four got hauled off to jail. That was in Canada. My wife wasn't one of them, and I was stuck at home on leave with both the kids. This was back in my LEO days, so they were babies. To this day they(our kids) only know their relatives by pic's(on her side) an horror stories. Time before that, I thought I was either going to call 911 or effect arrest. They hadn't been together 3 hours before a fist fight broke out between one of my wifes sisters and their mother. They are worse than throwing gasoline on an electrical fire.

Pretty much the same on my side, just not as volatile, but ever so wicked, and for the longest time I thought it was just something that was between my dad an his brothers an sisters. Then this past Christmas I saw it raise its ugly head with my brother an sister. I'm so glad I'm the oldest, an by the time I left home in 1976 both of them were very young, sister is eight years younger, brother is 13yrs younger. My brother finally grew up one day, stopped doing drugs, and stopped drinking, and went to school an became a chef, and made a good living at it, while my sister went to college to get her teaching degree. Even with her masters she couldn't get herself into the Georgia school system, and has been working Day-care ever since, so she has a big chip on the shoulder, two failed marriages, an when my brother an his wife fell on hard times(She has to be close to a big city, and forced him to give this all up, my brother had a fantastic gig in Tenn as an executive chef with a retiree's country club, which provided free housing, an full privileges at the CC, plus he was making high five figure income 65 to 70K), my sister decided to get involved on her side, an got my brother royally screwed to where he has to work two jobs is living back home with my dad, and only gets one weekend a month with his kids, unless mama is going on vacation, she never takes her kids with her on any of the vacations. My sister is living with her an enjoying all bennies as well. She gets to go on all the vacations. Its to the point my dad doesn't allow his own daughter in his own home. My brother an I get along pretty good, last time I saw my sister, I got the high sign, it was during one of those drop the kids off, gotta go on a cruise. Like my dad has said several times to me, I'm glad your mother has passed on so she doesn't have to see this mess.

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