For there beiong no WMD

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Jan 12, 2007
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The weapons were there...he had a LONG time to get them out and he did it so we'd look stupid when none were found after we invaded. But then again, who are we to tell other governments what they can and can't have as long as they don't hurt us? Saddam didn't attack us, and all we did was remove a stable dictator who let women go to college & protected Christians; we paved the way for ISIS and removed the biggest offset to Iran...conservatives need to admit this...we have to learn from our mistakes...but we just keep doing it over and over like in Libya, etc...we're only hurting ourselves y'all...

Oh I completely agree with you, as I'd imagine 21 recently departed Coptic Christians in Libya would if they could. It just annoys me that many of our Bush haters refuse to do the same with Obama. :rolleyes2


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Oh I completely agree with you, as I'd imagine 21 recently departed Coptic Christians in Libya would if they could. It just annoys me that many of our Bush haters refuse to do the same with Obama. :rolleyes2

ALWAYS a double standard for liberals...but you already know that...we are decent bunch and we have not yet decided to use their own tactics against them (libs). If we are able to justify it, then we can win.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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The weapons were there...he had a LONG time to get them out and he did it so we'd look stupid when none were found after we invaded. But then again, who are we to tell other governments what they can and can't have as long as they don't hurt us? Saddam didn't attack us, and all we did was remove a stable dictator who let women go to college & protected Christians; we paved the way for ISIS and removed the biggest offset to Iran...conservatives need to admit this...we have to learn from our mistakes...but we just keep doing it over and over like in Libya, etc...we're only hurting ourselves y'all...

Uh, you do know we are talking about Saddam right? The guy that gassed his own people, started two wars in the area, has been linked to the Cole attack, and some evidence links him to the OKC bombing and 9/11.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Uh, you do know we are talking about Saddam right? The guy that gassed his own people, started two wars in the area, has been linked to the Cole attack, and some evidence links him to the OKC bombingand 9/11.

I'm going to regret this, but Rick, I am all ears. Please spare no detail.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Uh, you do know we are talking about Saddam right? The guy that gassed his own people, started two wars in the area, has been linked to the Cole attack, and some evidence links him to the OKC bombing and 9/11.

Saddam was the lesser of two evils compared to ISIS and he had nothing to do with 911...He was basically himself at war with radical Islam, and we funded him in the war with Iran and he asked permission to invade Kuwait because they were slant-drilling his oil and a lady in our state department told him we'd not respond if he did...He gassed the was awful...shall we strap the American tax payer with righting every wrong on the globe? How much is too much? How many U.S. soldiers must we throw away like trash for rich politicians when we are not acting in direct defense of our nation? Answer me all that are repeating the same propaganda from 2002 when we are 18 trillion in debt and our southern border is wide open...any soldier sent to fight overseas should directly be insulted that we are being invaded RIGHT NOW at home and are asked to instead go off and fight on behalf of people who don't like us.

Ted Cruz On Syria: U.S. Shouldn't Be 'Al Qaeda's Air Force'


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2008
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The weapons were there...he had a LONG time to get them out and he did it so we'd look stupid when none were found after we invaded. But then again, who are we to tell other governments what they can and can't have as long as they don't hurt us? Saddam didn't attack us, and all we did was remove a stable dictator who let women go to college & protected Christians; we paved the way for ISIS and removed the biggest offset to Iran...conservatives need to admit this...we have to learn from our mistakes...but we just keep doing it over and over like in Libya, etc...we're only hurting ourselves y'all...

You obviously did not see the meat hooks at the Iraqi Olympic Training grounds that old Uday (the heir to the throne) used to hang those that did not preform well. Have you seen this?

I lived in Iraq and worked with Iraqis everyday for over a year in 2004.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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I'm going to regret this, but Rick, I am all ears. Please spare no detail.

look up Jayna Davis's book "The Third Terrorist". It has excellent evidence that an Iraqi intel officer was involved.

Saddam was the lesser of two evils compared to ISIS and he had nothing to do with 911...He was basically himself at war with radical Islam, and we funded him in the war with Iran and he asked permission to invade Kuwait because they were slant-drilling his oil and a lady in our state department told him we'd not respond if he did...He gassed the was awful...shall we strap the American tax payer with righting every wrong on the globe? How much is too much? How many U.S. soldiers must we throw away like trash for rich politicians when we are not acting in direct defense of our nation? Answer me all that are repeating the same propaganda from 2002 when we are 18 trillion in debt and our southern border is wide open...any soldier sent to fight overseas should directly be insulted that we are being invaded RIGHT NOW at home and are asked to instead go off and fight on behalf of people who don't like us.

Ted Cruz On Syria: U.S. Shouldn't Be 'Al Qaeda's Air Force'

Same intel officer left OKC after the bombing. Moved to Boston and got a job in food service at Logan International Airport. Do I need to remind you or do you remember where one of the flights came from and how the weapons were smuggled on board?

Same Iraqi officer in both places at the time of the attacks. And the bottom half of your post I agree with.

“The Third Terrorist is among the most important books ever written in our country's history. It provides overwhelming evidence that the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing was an act of terrorism against the United States -- and not merely a criminal act by a couple of disgruntled right-wing nuts. And it points toward a White House cover-up that one day will be recognized as the first, catastrophic step on the road toward 9-11.

Jayna Davis deserves to be acknowledged as one of the finest -- and bravest -- investigative reporters of our age. The job she's done in The Third Terrorist is just stunning,”

Herb Meyer

Special Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence and Vice Chairman of the CIA's National Intelligence Council, Reagan Administration

"In 2011. the government myth that the international manhunt for the third terrorist was based on mistaken identity was shattered. FBI declassified reports document that Terry Nichols, the only surviving Oklahoma City bomber, confessed, "John Doe 2 exists." Nichols restated the shocking truth about a third bomber in a May 2005 prison interview with U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.

Then came another startling admission - Nichols stated his belief that the 1995 bombing that claimed the lives of 171 Americans was a "Middle Eastern" terrorist operation. When Representative Rohrabacher inquired about the multiple eyewitness sightings of Timothy McVeigh with Iraqi soldiers in Oklahoma City,Nichols candidly conceded that the central theory presented in the book, The Third Terrorist, "could be correct."

“The Third Terrorist is among the most important books ever written in our country's history. It provides overwhelming evidence that the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing was an act of terrorism against the United States -- and not merely a criminal act by a couple of disgruntled right-wing nuts. And it points toward a White House cover-up that one day will be recognized as the first, catastrophic step on the road toward 9-11.

Jayna Davis deserves to be acknowledged as one of the finest -- and bravest -- investigative reporters of our age. The job she's done in The Third Terrorist is just stunning,”

"There is contained in this book not one fact, not one allegation, not one accusation, not one conclusion that is not supported and corroborated by evidence sufficient to constitute proof in a court of law. My respect and admiration for Jayna Davis and what she has accomplished is unbounded. She is, without question, the finest and most thorough investigator that I have ever known, and I have known literally thousands.

It is my honest opinion that if the Department of Justice had not ignored Jayna Davis and instead accepted the mass of creditable evidence compiled by her, indicating direct Middle Eastern involvement in the bombing, the course of future events may have been altered. Had those investigators taken their duty seriously and followed up on the investigation of that information, it is entirely likely that the Twin Towers would still be standing."

David P. Schippers

Chief Impeachment Prosecutor

Special Counsel of the House Judiciary Committee

1998 Trial of President Bill Clinton

"This is a must-read for anyone trying to figure out what our government has been doing (or not doing) for the past decade to protect this country from international terrorists. Jayna's book will chill your blood then make it boil.

The American people deserved the truth and the Bureau needed to look into this Middle East network in Oklahoma City. If they had, maybe they would have come upon the network behind the September 11 attacks.”

Dan Vogel

FBI Special Agent, 1975-2000

Media Coordinator, Spokesperson OKC FBI

"This fascinating product of Jayna Davis' near-decade of brave, thorough, and dogged investigative reporting effectively shifts the burden of proofto those who would still contend that McVeigh and Nichols acted without the support of a group or groups from the Middle East.

When the final stories of these two incidents (1995 OKC bombing and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing) are finally told, those who permitted these investigations to stop short will owe big explanations to these two brave women (journalist Jayna Davis and author Laurie Mylroie). And the nation will owe them a debt of gratitude."
Title. Double click me.

R. James Woolsey

Director of Central Intelligence, 1993 -'95T


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
You obviously did not see the meat hooks at the Iraqi Olympic Training grounds that old Uday (the heir to the throne) used to hang those that did not preform well. Have you seen this?

I lived in Iraq and worked with Iraqis everyday for over a year in 2004.

Oh, saddam's boys are worse than he was...I won't dispute that...but you would agree that we've allied with brutal dictators when it served our purposes in the past....and that included saddam at one time. I'm not defending saddam, but 1 million Iraqis died as a result of that war in addition to our brave men & women...I think the loss to the Iraqis has been much more by now than saddam would have done. It would be nice if they had been able to have established a secure, free republic but that isn't what happened...America is worse off now in my opinion and you and I get to pay the bill...but thanks for any service you rendered whether in a civilian or military capacity. My disagreement with the results doesn't mean our people do not have incredible valor.

For far too long the socialists in Europe have used us as their world army so they could make us do the defense spending and they could have their entitlement utopia...It's time to look out for what's best for us and fix our situation at home. We can still maintain peace through strength and only get involved militarily in direct defense of the nation. Either that or we need to declare ourselves an empire and get the spoils of war instead of nit-picking who we'll help and being politically correct. Saddam was bad, but so are many others and we can't afford to fight them all; why haven't we intervened in Darfur?

From wikipedia:

"(George) Washington goes on to urge the American people to take advantage of their isolated position in the world, and avoid attachments and entanglements in foreign affairs, especially those of Europe, which he argues have little or nothing to do with the interests of America."


Special Hen
Mar 8, 2013
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As cold-hearted murdering s.o.b.s go, Saddam wasn't as bad as some in the area. I'm not saying he was a good guy, but he was better than the iceholes. Of course, you could say the same about the Shah of Iran back in the day also. Look how well that turned out.

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