Gold and SILVER

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What do you believe is a better Investment?

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Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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NW Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
And in a long term situation, I understand that posessing precious metals could be a good investment - I don't doubt that. But I think you underestimate a dollar crash; I highly doubt it would be "business as usual" throughout the rest of the world if (when) our system takes a dump. Too many economies are tied to the U.S. economy, and if we fall, we'll pull many down with us. That's not arrogance - that's the way things were set up after WWII when we pushed for the dollar to be the world's reserve currency. There will be many that come out on the other side, but how long it takes for that "other side" to arrive would be anyone's guess. Nothing wrong with hedging and saving for the "other side" of the shat-storm, but my priority is making it through to the other side.

I sure won't trade a guy any silver coins for some beans when he doesn't have any food. That is if he was able to get close enough to me to ask.......

I intended to buy silver in 2008 and was lazy; now I'm pretty sure I've missed the boat, but wouldn't mind having a little around, even at these high prices. Had many ounces back around 1999-2000, but sold them off because the market just stayed static. Dumb move.

Youve still got the right idea! You havent missed the train yet. ;)


Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
Reaction score
NW Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
NO... You said: "And when society collapses". That's very different from a monetary system collapse.

Your entire reply to my post rests upon your assertion that you did not in fact say when society collapses.

Go back and reread my post to you. You will find that your replies to it are not germaine based on your incorrect assumption that you didn't say when society collapses.

Woa woa woa, you took that out of its context.. That was an 'after the fact' response to your question where you stated the collapse of society.. I restated it in the post after to offer you my answer in that situation. Its why I made a seperate post. For the clarifaction in this discussion and my point in starting it in the first place: In my first post I stated the collapse of our monetary policy- I apologize If my rebuttal to your post wasnt clear.. That would be my fault.

As for the whole gold/silver thing: They're just commodities both of which have had not a small part of their current values driven artificially high by doomsayers convincing an undereducated public that they are their only hope in the event of a financial collapse. But what the hey! Doomsayers got to make a living too.

I guess that is where we disagree.. because I would say they are just commodities- that have been devalued by a fiat currency system that has added a fiat value against those commodities by artificially directing interest rates too low, and pushing a banking system that creates money out of thin air. But you are in fact right, doomsdayers and central bankers have to make a living alike.

As a response to your comment...


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
I caint resist one last comment which I consider neither meaningless nor extra-topical in the context of this thread and, yes, it does come down to eatedness. Saw a guy a few months ago to make my final arrangements so the family wouldn't have to worry about it. He offered me a zinc-lined casket that would protect my molderin dead ass for thirty thousand years.
Thirty thousand years, well what happens then? The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the worms play pinocle on your snout (you get eated).
What if I get eated in twenty-eight thousand years, will the warrranty still be in effect? These thoughts horrify me. Eated and eated again.
I was only there to talk about cremation, and he showed me a variety of urns that were indisputably tasteful. There are laws in Oklahoma that prevent your family from carrying your ashes out in a paper bag.
Maybe you want to invest in zinc to prevent the worm farm onset, but I really don't.
On Thanksgiving the family wanted to know how I wanted the ashes distributed.
Put them out with the trash. I'll be too dead to give a damn.


Special Hen
Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
I guess that is where we disagree.. because I would say they are just commodities- that have been devalued by a fiat currency system that has added a fiat value against those commodities by artificially directing interest rates too low, and pushing a banking system that creates money out of thin air. But you are in fact right, doomsdayers and central bankers have to make a living alike.

We've had a fiat currency since 1971 but depending on your timing, you could have made a lot of money or gone bankrupt several times since then buying and selling silver. All those same forces have been at work, fiat currency, dollar devaluation, increasing debt, etc. Yet the "price" or value of silver has fluctuated wildly. I agree that the US monetary policy is on an unsustainable course and we are gonna crash and burn at some point. We have to. There's almost no way out of that reality at this point. The only problem is predicting when that will happen. A lot of people have been predicting it for years. They've ALL been wrong. I have some physical silver and some precious metal stocks in my portfolio, but I'm not going to horde a ton of physical metal when this financial crisis might not even happen in my lifetime.


Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
here's the problem..there is going to be a new global currency, listen at 2:50 to 2:59 in the vid Rev.16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
you will not sell or trade anything without this mark. if they dont just take it, you wont be able to do anything with it. like i said, unless you find some guy that will take it in trade youll be paying $3000 for a can of chili and a gallon of water. this will be unlike anything that has ever happend before. dont know when , may not be in our lifetime but if it is metals will be useless. btw, i never really noticed it says " IN their right hand" or "IN their forehead'...makes me think about that chip again.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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In a period of complete social meltdow- The firearms show their value. Precious metals for the rebuilding of the future. Firearms for protecting it. ;)

I absolutely 'get it'. So much so I am investing for the future beyond a financial meltdown.

Eh, I disagree, but whatever you need to do to feel "prepared."


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2007
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Someone mentions gold or silver as a good short of the dollar and all of a sudden it's the end of the world:rotflmao: Take your tin-foil hats off you can't eat your stocks or dollars either and no one will want anything but what they need in a time like that.

PM's track fiat currencies they aren't going up the currency going down. They maintain your purchasing power. Not long ago a roll of 1oz ASE were $150 now $850 all the while the stock market hit 14k, puked twice and now it's back to 12k BFD.

Buy physical PM's no paper stuff. Paper PM's are one price and physical are another right now about $5 an ounce more an ounce than quoted prices. Diversify, this is the real deal and isn't anything like 79/80. It's your once in a lifetime chance to make some money when this blows parabolic, a time you can make real money and transfer it back to stocks or even land/homes.

Don't know to much about the end of the world but I do know this investment has treated me the best in the 21st century. When they actually do something to change courses then it's time to rotate back to another investment. JMO

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