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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Please don't start the "what would've happened" history revisionist crap. In WWI, The Germans were intervening in the Mexican Revolution promising American land back to them if they allied with them.

And the Germans shouldn’t have been in it, either, had the Kaiser not agreed to help Austria. Seems like it's the alliances between nations that have caused most of the problems.

You also left out the German saboteurs who were active here in the U.S. trying to stop arms and supplies being sent to England, and unrestricted U-boat attacks on NEUTRAL ships in which thousands of U.S. citizens lost their lives.

You mean the U.S. was aiding others involved in wars? Like we criticize Iran for doing? And the Germans shouldn't have tried to stop it? The U-boats did attack NEUTRAL ships – some of which were so neutral, they were carrying arms along with passengers. Not sticking up for the Germans there, but that kind of activity doesn’t exactly help in finger pointing.

And if we hadn't been "dragged" into WWII, how many more millions would've been killed in the camps???
Who’s to say? Had we stuck to our guns and poo-pooed the French’s harsh conditions of the Treaty of Versailles, then the camps almost certainly wouldn’t have happened. There’s plenty of “what ifs” to go around.

The fact of the matter is our “foreign entanglements” that George Washington warned us about have killed many, many more Americans than wars that have been fought as strictly American conflicts.

"Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor or caprice? "


Special Hen
Jul 9, 2005
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Grady Co., OK
Has anyone/ news agency looked in to the date that the video was taken? And, how did it get from a Marine's video camera to You tube this week?/ why this week?

Wouldn't be the first time someone came across a newsworthy video and used it for political gain of some form or another. Wonder who it was? The guy that shot the video, another (disgruntled?) Marine or someone else that got hold of it.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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I find it odd that there is so much more world wide outrage over this compared to videos of peoples heads being cut off.

Because we chastise the beheading as savage and brutal and dehumanizing, and make ourselves as a people and nation out to be "holier than thou" when compared to the radicals in those videos. I mean, look at the care we took to but the steps we (allegedly) took to give bin Laden a proper memorial service.

Then we do something arguably as uncivilized as the beheading. So in short, it's the hypocrisy of the matter.

Again, I'm not criticizing the soldiers. This is the **** that happens when we go to war. But since you asked the question, here is the answer.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
The U-boats did attack NEUTRAL ships – some of which were so neutral, they were carrying arms along with passengers. Not sticking up for the Germans there, but that kind of activity doesn’t exactly help in finger pointing. "

Key word being SOME ships. The German U-boats attacked shipping whether they were carrying arms OR NOT!

As far as I'm concerned, these wannabe caliphate taliban 'tards ENSLAVE people against their will to further their own radical cause. I really could care less if they get pissed on before or after they've been shot. What rankles me is how the news media plays this up as such a tragedy and so horribly disrespectful but NEVER CONDEMNS the taliban or radical Islam for the ATROCITIES they do and PROUDLY post on youtube. It's a double standard whether people think we should be involved in the business of foreign wars or not.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Key word being SOME ships. The German U-boats attacked shipping whether they were carrying arms OR NOT!

As far as I'm concerned, these wannabe caliphate taliban 'tards ENSLAVE people against their will to further their own radical cause. I really could care less if they get pissed on before or after they've been shot. What rankles me is how the news media plays this up as such a tragedy and so horribly disrespectful but NEVER CONDEMNS the taliban or radical Islam for the ATROCITIES they do and PROUDLY post on youtube. It's a double standard whether people think we should be involved in the business of foreign wars or not.

True enough.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
Reaction score
IMHO, what they did falls FAR short of a comparison to a video of a live beheading.

I share your opinion, honestly.

But as far as answering the question redmax51 asked, the difference of degree or severity of the particular act is a small detail. The perceived hypocrisy is the larger matter.


Special Hen
Mar 12, 2008
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Get off my lawn.
I love how this is being turned back on the marines themselves in all the news stories I've seen about it.

You train guys to go to an incredibly dangerous area and KILL people, when they really shouldn't be over there in the first place, and then we flip out if they don't handle it psychologically and emotionally in a way that makes killing people look respectable. Oh, a guy in a combat zone dehumanized his enemy. That's behavior we never could have predicted. Let's lynch him.

The people who should be criticized are the guys who sent them there in the first place. Send them there to kill people for you, and then complain they aren't killing people in a way that makes you look good. Oh no, it's not our fault for shoving marines in situations like this; it's them pissing on the bodies of some guys that were trying to violently kill them that is the real crime here. Let's keep the attention on some young guys handling stress most American's can't imagine in a way that's not very classy, and keep the attention away from the fact that we probably shouldn't have troops on the ground there in the first place. If only we kill people in a way that looks good on cable news, we can have all the unnecessary wars we want. JMO.

Very well sed.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
LOL. If you are posting videos of defiling corpses, you are a traitor. I don't need a ribbon to complain about a traitor. I say take their guns and uniforms and discharge them over there. Maybe hold them liable for civil damages from the next terrorist attack?

Urinating on corpses and posting videos isn't sacrificing anything or fighting for anything. It's an idiot jeopardizing the integrity of this country.

You seriously have to resort to personal attacks over this? PATHETIC.

Our foreign policy jeopardizes the integrity of this country, not some dudes pissing on a corpse. It's that simple. The disconnect people have between the two blows my mind.

Again, it's acceptable to send these men there to violently kill people, yet we should be upset at them when they show absolutely textbook psychological behavior for someone in their position? Upset at them for dehumanizing and hating the men we send them there and task them with trying to violently kill on a daily basis? Shooting people and having their lifeblood drain out on the ground in front of you is not offensive or disrespectful, but pissing on them is? This is insane.

"Listen, we want you to wake up everyday and try your best to violently kill some people. But we want you to love them and treat them with respect." Modern day "war" I guess. I can tell you that it started to turn this way when the U.S. government started trying to garner support for unpopular wars by telling the American public we are there to win hearts and minds, not put bullets in them. And apparently a good percentage of the American public still falls for it to this day. War is closer to pissing on corpses than it is shaking hands with old men and playing soccer with kids. Maybe I was wrong and stuff like this should be on the news more often, because people just don't seem to get it yet.

The U.S. government has successfully convinced a large portion of the population that we can send ground troops to invade a country and kill people in an unobtrusive and respectful way. Talk about spurring some real LOL's, that's just freaking hilarious.

War should be war and peace should be peace, with no in between. Those in between areas are where crap like this happen. Don't want our troops pissing on the dead enemy? Then get them the f&@k out of there! :mad:

At least one person here gets it.
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