whats up with the pharmacies lately?

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Special Hen
Jan 17, 2011
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If you're tired of waiting on your prescriptions, find a slower independent pharmacy. They will appreciate your business and more of your cash will stay in OK. Also, Mondays near the first of the month (especially first monday of the new year) will be busy, expect to wait.

If you go to Walgreens, make it clear when you would like to pick up your medication. If you're going to come back in 30 min to an hour tell the clerk/tech you would like your Rx as soon as possible. Also, understand that not everything is the pharmacy's fault (prior authorizations, drug not covered)

Now that pharmacists can give flu shots, and flu season is approaching, it will be a challenge for pharmacies to keep up with the work load. Giving 1 flu shot can add 5 minutes to your wait time. The bigger chains are usually understaffed or poorly staffed, and that makes it even more difficult to keep up with workload.

All in all, chain retail pharmacy is a terrible job. Everything is working against you. There are days where I didn't have time to go to the bathroom. I'm glad I got out of that.


Special Hen
Aug 21, 2010
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Why do they keep re-electing them?

I know. "Every politician is corrupt scum, except mine."

Because we or at least I tend to elect the lesser of evils.

It takes money and time to run; most common folk don't have either. For a common folk to run, they have to have the support of a Party and donors. Most rich who run are high up in said parties. Therefore voting is typically choosing between the preselected and hoping they do what they say they will rather than being the voice of party they were financed by.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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Because we or at least I tend to elect the lesser of evils.

It takes money and time to run; most common folk don't have either. For a common folk to run, they have to have the support of a Party and donors. Most rich who run are high up in said parties. Therefore voting is typically choosing between the preselected and hoping they do what they say they will rather than being the voice of party they were financed by.

And that mindset is also part of the problem. Most people choose to limit their choices to what they have been told by someone else to vote for.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Why do they keep re-electing them?

I know. "Every politician is corrupt scum, except mine."

I think it has more to do with party corruption than the voters. The respective parties rarely allow anyone to have a shot that they can't control. If you show independent thought prior to getting elected and getting name recognition, you're doomed.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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The reason we keep electing the same old scum is because those are the only people who run.

People who successfully run businesses, teach, hold careers that serve the public, etc., typically aren't interested in public life or life in office. I know there is no way in hell you could get me to run for so much as city council, much less a state or national office. The limelight and the glitz and glamour just don't appeal to the people who would do the best job of it, frankly. Add in the HUGE dollars required and the ass-kissing required, and most would fail at the first second. By it's very nature, you have to be able to lie, schmooze, kiss ass, hedge bets and ride fences so much that good, hard-working, self-respecting people just don't have the time or inclination to debase themselves that much - just for a title and power.

People at work say I'm the boss... but I tell them I'm NOBODY'S boss but my own. They have their own supervisors, and it's not me. I don't WANT to be anyone's boss... if I'd wanted that, I'd have gone into administration or business. Or politics. I think politics is the ultimate ego-trip for most of these folks. Even the ones with a down-home southern accent who pander to our fears and talk like they support us and our rights and desires still go to Washington and pal up with their cronies and try to catch flies with honey, rather than telling it like it really is. I think the only one I have heard of who is balls-to-the-wall no-compromise on key issues is Ron Paul, but he'll never make it any farther than he is now. He's been marginalized beyond his ability to recover (for good or ill).

As long as we have career politicians, and it's more about star-power than about serving, we'll keeping getting what we've got... a bunch of narcissists who think we all need to be "managed" or protected from ourselves.

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