OKay ... I can't find the thread ...

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
So basically I go buy a blender, and a bunch of fruits and veggies(Can they be frozen or do they have to be fresh?), add a little fiber, blend the pi$$ out of it and chug and then I'm skinny?

That seems to be the way it works ... I use both frozen and fresh stuff but MUCH prefer the fresh if I can get it ... and I have yet to try the broccoli/apple smoothie recipe ... bleech ... I have taken to drinking a can of V-8 every now and again. Seems like the less I cook, the less I want to cook ... that will probably change this winter.

Get the book "Eat to Live" by Joel Furhman, MD ... If you want to borrow my copy PM me and I'll send it to you -- or meet you somewhere -- it's not like I work for a living or anything. Those Cali girls will think you are one smokin' hawt dude!!

If they would study me, they would find that those abstracts pure bogus. I eat red meat at almost every single meal except for some chicken once in awhile and my LDL/HDL was text book perfect, overall was 132 and triglycerides are always around 53/55. Been this way for about the last 20 years.

BB, where are you getting your produce? I'd like to try this but no way am I giving up my ribeyes! But I could probably stop eating all through the day and go to just eating dinner pretty easy...

SR, I'm like you ... I've always eaten red meat, usually 2 times a day and pork (BACON!!!) once a day ... love fried food and anything sweet and my cholestrol, B/P, and glucose levels have ALWAYS been well within low/normal ranges. My B/P didn't go up until I started menopause ... even when I weighed WAY more that looks good on my 5'2" frame.

Getting most of my produce from Sam's. I can go through a big thing of spinach and a bag of apples all by myself in just 3 or 4 days.

You people are no fun at all! :)

Come say that to me when I'm at 105 and rockin' it again!! LOL

VDoc ... Good for you ... I tried WW but I stayed hungry all the time ... that may be because I wasn't concentrating on fresh fruits and veggies and was still eating the same old junk but staying within my points. I lost weight but couldn't keep it off. This thingee I'm doing now seems to be just what my body needs.


Special Hen
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
SR, I'm like you ... I've always eaten red meat, usually 2 times a day and pork (BACON!!!) once a day ... love fried food and anything sweet and my cholestrol, B/P, and glucose levels have ALWAYS been well within low/normal ranges. My B/P didn't go up until I started menopause ... even when I weighed WAY more that looks good on my 5'2" frame.

VDoc ... Good for you ... I tried WW but I stayed hungry all the time ... that may be because I wasn't concentrating on fresh fruits and veggies and was still eating the same old junk but staying within my points. I lost weight but couldn't keep it off. This thingee I'm doing now seems to be just what my body needs.

Hump, get the book "Eat to Live" by Joel Furhman, MD ... If you want to borrow my copy PM me and I'll send it to you. Those Cali girls will think you are one smokin' hawt dude!!

Women are at a huge advantage over men due to Estrogen... that is until menopause. Estrogen keeps HDL levels sky high. HDL keeps LDL low... Your Triglycerides are eventually converted to LDL which gets killed by HDL and therefore women are usually much less problematic then men.

The new weight watcher is much better than the old. I did the old and had the same issues. The new version weighs fruits and vegetables much better with less points and increases points on refined foods and sugars. I am given 45 points a day and that is ~1600 calories. I have been eating about 38-40 a day and staying satisfied all day. Ill post up how the first week goes on Sunday. I am expecting to lose about 5 lbs due to water loss from eating within a normal sodium range + a little fat loss.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Women are at a huge advantage over men due to Estrogen... that is until menopause. Estrogen keeps HDL levels sky high. HDL keeps LDL low... Your Triglycerides are eventually converted to LDL which gets killed by HDL and therefore women are usually much less problematic then men.

The new weight watcher is much better than the old. I did the old and had the same issues. The new version weighs fruits and vegetables much better with less points and increases points on refined foods and sugars. I am given 45 points a day and that is ~1600 calories. I have been eating about 38-40 a day and staying satisfied all day. Ill post up how the first week goes on Sunday. I am expecting to lose about 5 lbs due to water loss from eating within a normal sodium range + a little fat loss.

Soooo ... all that estrogen is good for something after all! ;)

I did figure out the points on what I am eating now (using the old method) and although WW says I should eat at least 18 points a day I'm not getting over 10 right now -- and on the days I don't eat any nuts or beans probably not more than 5 points but I swear I really am not hungry. Apparently the trick for me is to NOT eat anything processed at all. A couple of weeks ago I ate an ice cream cone from Braums and I swear my appetite went into overdrive.

My joints and muscles started getting achy again and my migraines got bad again about 10 days into eating crap so I'm done with that. It is a lot easier to deal with my neck issues when I'm not hurting all over all the time.

All I know for sure is that folks in my family on both sides live to well into their 90s and several have made it past 100 and I was NOT looking forward to living that long because I felt so crappy all the time. This diet has changed that ... now I'm actually looking forward to the next 50 years.

Chronic pain is a nasty taskmaster.

Like you I'm gonna be real interested to see just how much weight I lose by Sunday. For someone who has never been able to lose weight easily before this is a refreshing change of pace.


Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
watch fat, sick and nearly dead. It will explain allot

x2. I have a similiar problem to his. Never been diagnosed, docs always just had me try different allergy meds, which treated the symptoms somewhat but never really worked. Since juicing and eating better the prob has almost entirely gone away. If stop over the weekend + leftovers at the beginning of the week, the prob comes back with a vengeance. Felt like my back was on fire, and looked like my back got clawed up by a swedish bikini team because of the welping.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Okay VDoc ... I don't have a clue how I did it, but I lost 10.4 pounds this week ... No exercise and we ate out several times too (but I always got a salad and had the croutons, cheese and dressing left off). I am flabbergasted, especially based on how long it took me to get 10 pounds off last time I tried eating this way. I did eat one of those sour candy pumpkins that you get at Cracker Barrel (my guilty Halloween pleasure every year -- but I usually eat 1/2 the package, not just one.)

I think I can hang with this because I really don't get hungry. That's quite a switch from every other diet on the planet (all of which I have tried over the years). I wish I had all that money back that I spent on migraine meds over the years that didn't work when apparently all I needed to do was stop eating sugar and processed foods. Apparently a calorie is a calorie is a calorie is not the case in my instance.

I seriously wonder how much I would lose if I could walk for even 30 minutes a day. I used to walk/jog 5 miles EVERY SINGLE DAY and was still not what one would call trim but I didn't feel bad either -- well, except for the days I had those migraines. I really miss it.

How'd you do??


Special Hen
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
Haha! Actually beef is one of the things that I have the most trouble with ... makes my joints ache really bad when I eat it. Had no idea until I stopped eating it and then had a steak one night ... go figure ...

BB have u had your uric acid levels checked? The above statement sounds like a classic case of gout.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
BB have u had your uric acid levels checked? The above statement sounds like a classic case of gout.

I guess it could be but I think the doctor checked my uric acid levels when I had my physical because I was complaining of joint pain then. I actually have an appt. with her tomorrow ... I'll double check.

Something else that really just weirds me out. I have all kinds of trouble sleeping good when I am off this diet. I had gone back to taking all kinds of stuff just to get 5 or 6 hours in a row and I was still tired when I got up but just couldn't stay asleep. I've been back on this diet for 1 week and I'm sleeping better again.

I hate to sound like a preacher but I cannot believe the change. It's not like I was eating anything different that anybody else before -- Just what everybody else eats. Anybody who feels bad in general and doesn't have a clue why ought to give this a try.

Don't know if I can pull it off or not but I'm gonna try to exercise for 15 minutes a day this week. We've been going to the range once a week and I'm shooting maybe (and I mean maybe, it's probably less) 30 rounds or so. Every single time we do that I wind up in bed the next day or two because of my neck but I don't care because I am sick of sitting around the house all the time. I sure miss the days when we went every day ... :(

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