Get your Flu/TDAP Shots people!

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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Do it for the collective, right, comrade? Don't be ridiculous.

Got any proof of that claim? The revolving door between the FDA and pharmaceutical companies, as well as the agri-giants is well known, and well documented. Surely these pillars of integrity wouldn't push for activities that would pad their portfolios, would they?

Isn't it odd, that everyone has a beef with the government - from the IRS taking their money, to the NDAA allowing indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without charges. Hell, people are raising hell about Obamacare, and the .gov taking over their healthcare. They don't trust the government to handle their health care, so why in the hell do they all of a sudden think other government agencies such as the CDC and FDA give a real damn about them, and have their best interest at heart?

Do not listen to these pro-vaccine people...most of them are rh-negative drones who have not an educated clue what they are talking about; they are just doing what they "feel" is best (reminds me of liberals). They'd send you to a death camp if someone in a uniform or white coat told them it was "for the greater good". I believe in vaccine technology just like I believe in alternative is a good concept but we just are not there yet. There is NO AMOUNT of mercury that is safe to inject into the human body. And that is just one of the nasties in the flu shot. I bet they think fluoride water is also good for you...the brainwashing has worked.

What is funny is I bet some of these people are "conservatives" not knowing that this stuff is pushed on us by leftist, hypocrite ideologues...any republican in here who supports flu shots in their curent form is more than likely a Chris Christie supporter...that is my opinion...I am not singling anyone out. I do support Darwinsim though and I HOPE everyone in here who is pro-vaccine gets as many as they can (one vaccine inventor said you could take 1000 of them at once and it is safe) ...just don't try to force your will on me.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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If you think it's ok for your immune system to fight off the FLU, your stupid as hell. Your becoming a walking disease carrier that's infecting other people, and are responsible if they die.

Does this mean that I can hold the pharmaceutical company liable because of contraindications? JB?


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Smallpox, MMR, Polio - yes. Flu? Lord, no. And the HPV vaccine has to be one of the most unnecessary things I've ever seen - and they are now pimping it to boys. Stupid as hell.

There was a cancer virus in the polio vaccine admitted...It was called simian virus 40 and MILLIONS were injected with it. I believe the cancer rates (especially in children) climbed in the decades following this run of contaminated vaccines. Also, one brand-name of the current rotavirus vaccine has been confirmed contaminated with a cancer-causing virus; they still give it to kids...but you low-information voters among us can't think for worship other MEN like they are defend their lies and mistakes and come here and try to coerce others into injecting themselves with what YOU say is safe...


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I can't do that pine needle tea ... bleech ... but I do drink green tea like it's going out of style (and echinacha -- sp??). Never miss my multi-vitamin, my Vitamin C or my Vitamin D ... I tried taking zinc once when GC had a cold (to see if I could stave off getting one) ... Stuff made me puke my toenails up ... I'll just take the sore throat and itchy ears, thankyouverymuch! :nolike:

tried adding honey? or rum? pine needle tea has more than just vitamin c. loaded with other nutrients, including shikimic acid, a primary ingredient in tamiflu. star anise is another source of shikimic acid, if you prefer that flavor.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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HPV is linked to elevated risks of many kinds of cancer. cervical, anal, penile and oropharyngeal, etc.

cjjtulsa we'd hate to lose you.

I appreciate your concern, but so far, so good - and no shot. For the record: I was unaware that we had an epidemic of cervical, anal, penile, and oral cancers in this country; I do see, according to the National Cancer Institute, that a woman has a less than 1% chance of developing cervical cancer over the course of her lifetime, and cervical cancer is the #1 reason they supposedly developed and are pushing that vaccination. Yeah, that really makes a shot that has had horrible side effects (including some deaths) necessary.

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