Sure, we live in a "post-racial" America

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uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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I don't have any problem with your posts. I got over it years ago.
Most of this happened before the majority of folks on this forum were alive, or were small children.
It was a major issue at the time.
If you get time just google, Discrimination of Vietnam Veterans. Be ready for a long evening.

Im picking up what your putting down.

My point was that I am the only one here and Im the ass. Its a one man show.


Aug 14, 2012
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I'm not trying to derail this thread, I pretty much feel about the same as Ridge. To me racism is on par with being a homophob. OSA isn't gonna allow obvious racism or let anyone bust loose with using the "N" word. But jeez we can queer bash, call them fags or anything else derogatory.

It's about the same as being a racist. But what do we do? Forums evolve. OSA is/has become more politically correct. I predict it won't be long before the gay bashing goes away. Then the same argument could be made. Instead of talking about closet racism, we'll talk bout closet gay bashing.

Hell someday it might be politically correct to not bash the Liberals or ultra Right wingers. I mean your either a lefty or right on OSA.
This conversation is good for us. It's what makes OSA my favorite website.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
If you get time just google, Discrimination of Vietnam Veterans. Be ready for a long evening.

I have always thought that was really chickenshit of the hippies to go after vets. If you don't like the war that's great... neither do I. Did it deserve to be resisted? Absolutely. But their anger was directed in the wrong direction. They should have been throwing feces at the politicians who got us into that quagmire... not guys who were mostly conscripts, and who were actually the ones most victimized by the suited psychopaths. Of course the poor SOB waiting on a bus with a GI duffel is a lot easier target than the politicians in their ivory fortresses, so like the cowards that they were, they went after this "low hanging fruit" as an easier and less risky way of making their point. %*%$#@$ hippies.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It wasn't just the hippies. The MSM and their biased reporting was the main cause. The people in the US just didn't know the real story. LBJ and Robert McNamara have the blood of tens of thousand of American lives on their hands with the way they handled the war. Air and on the ground. The rules of engagement were insane.
The American public only reacted to what they were told in the news.
I remember in High School seeing nightly reports of 300+ killed this week, next week 400+ killed, thousands wounded weekly. Nightly news showing bloody dead/wounded soldiers in the field.
This went on week after week, year after year. Then it was my turn with a draft notice in the mail. **** canned it, and enlisted the same day.
I had a relative tell me that she would pay my way to Canada to escape the draft. When I refused, she vilified me to the day she died. Liberal *****. I carried her casket to her grave to make dammed sure she made it there.

I came back and enrolled in college only to be the target of insults, innuendo's, etc. by the protest movement along with my fellow vets that just wanted to get along with our lives and get back into society and make a living.

Ended up dropping out of school. This is just a glossing over of what happened back in those day to me, others had to endure much worse. Tough times.


Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
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Fort Gibson
I am not a racist by any means. But, working for a large corp. that is in a middle of "diversity" promotion campaign means that for any promotion, no matter how much your qualifications exceed everyone elses, you are a white middle-aged heterosexual male that is not going to get the position. If I opted for a sex-change, was an ethnic minority, and was attracted to both men and women, I would no doubt be the next CEO.

If you have a male supervisor smack him on the ass once or twice a week. Maybe even invite him out for a beer after work. You will move right on up the ladder.


Aug 14, 2012
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I have always thought that was really chickenshit of the hippies to go after vets. If you don't like the war that's great... neither do I. Did it deserve to be resisted? Absolutely. But their anger was directed in the wrong direction. They should have been throwing feces at the politicians who got us into that quagmire... not guys who were mostly conscripts, and who were actually the ones most victimized by the suited psychopaths. Of course the poor SOB waiting on a bus with a GI duffel is a lot easier target than the politicians in their ivory fortresses, so like the cowards that they were, they went after this "low hanging fruit" as an easier and less risky way of making their point. %*%$#@$ hippies.

Similar to the Westboro Church on a smaller scale.

The Govt has changed its tactics. No longer do we need a draft. Today we have targeted patriotism. The Draft targeted a particular section of Americans, today it's still the same cross section getting played. Marketing and patriotism, combined with a stale economy, is a combination no poor or low middle class can escape.

And in a skewed way, I'm glad those hippies protested or that war would still be raging. Sadly our war on terror is still being waged because the hippies, MSM and the public just don't care to protest anything.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2008
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Oklahoma City
As someone of East Asian descent, I could complain about how hard it was to grow up as the only Asian kid school and my neighborhood in Lawton Oklahoma. The daily "ching chong" and "me Chinese... pee pee in your coke" type jokes. I didn't have a "community" of other Asians to find refuge in. I was alone and I got **** on by both the white and black kids. I learned really quick how to survive and fight and yeah I got my butt kicked sometimes, but I also whooped a lot of ass too. Doesn't hurt that I've always been physically taller than most people my whole life.

I've had teachers blatantly lie to the principal and said I was using Kung fu on another student and got the paddle to the rear end for sitting in class and doing nothing all because she thought I was Japanese. Yes... Seriously. The number of parents who refused their kids to be friends with a "chink" or in several cases "that jap" and blamed a little American boy who happened to have Korean American parents for atrocities that happened in Pearl Harbor during WWII. All sorts of fail there.... Sheesh.

I've had (and to this day still experience) parents disapprove of their daughters dating me and I'm almost 34 yrs old now because of a stereotype that I would be short tempered and abusive or culturally incompatible with their family even though I've lived in Oklahoma my 33 out of 34 years alive as a person.

I know that if I wasn't "Asian" I could have it easier in the corporate world. I wouldn't have had to go out of my way to act more aggressive and confident to break the meek, mild mannered Asian cubical robot stereotype when I was just a grunt. I wouldn't have had to go out of my way to be heart warming and sensitive to break the stereotype of the abusive hot-headed Asian slavedriver stereotype when I became a manager. And now that I'm a consultant and professional who sometimes deal with CEO's in the Midwest and southwest, I have to go out of my way to prove I'm "American" enough. The fact that I'm 6 feet tall and have an Okie accent works to my advantage.

My father served in the us army in the late 70's and 80's after doing 2 tours of Vietnam with the ROK (South Korean) army. Anything I would have to complain about pales in comparison to what my Dad experienced being an Asian guy in Oklahoma in the 70's. things that included neighbors threatening to gangrape my mother in front of him while they forced him to watch and then burn hiss "gook" baby before killing him. They actually did try to make good on that and tried to break into the trailer house while my mom was inside. My Dad showed up in time with 4 other artillery guys from his unit just in time. He's had Cameron University students spit in his face and threaten him while he was a janitor there in the early 80's. His long time best friend was actually his biggest source of grief at one point simply because he thought my dad was Japanese.

I don't complain because my dad never complained. He worked his ass off for the very little he earned made sure that I was raised as an "American boy" and was willing to put a boot in anyone's ass who thought otherwise. Served in the US Army because he felt obligated to give something back to the country that allowed him a new life.

The only reason why I even bothered to type that short history of experience about myself is because everyone, no matter the race or gender has similar stories like mine and my father's. I don't complain because I know people who have had it worse. You don't have to be a "non-white" to experience similar hardships and hurt. Ask any white kid who grows up in a black ghetto their experiences and I promise you their story will be similar to mine. Hell, I couldn't imagine being a homosexual in a small town in Oklahoma and my heart goes out to those kids who are in that situation.

I conclude with this. Whites, stop apologizing for crap your ancestors may or may not have done a generation or more ago. You didn't do this so just stop already. Minorities, stop using "racism" as an excuse for your own failures and inadequacies. If you did experience real setbacks due to racism or "white privilege," stop crying and move on. Affirmative action goes both ways and now it is being used in colleges to deny Asian applicants for white applicants. My opinion is that AA is no longer needed, but I'm just a dumb designer.

People stop being so sensitive and stop and realize that sometimes things done out of ignorance does not mean it was done out of hate. This last bit is key and applies to everyone in all groups. If anything, most of the racial issues in American comes to one group just not having any empathy due to lack of context and one group assuming the worse and malicious intent from the other.

Also 1488. Ok just kidding. Lol. Sorry, to all the stormfront kiddies.
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