Sure, we live in a "post-racial" America

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The Most Interesting Man in the World
Special Hen
Feb 15, 2013
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Oklahoma hate groups

Artisan Publishers
General Hate

Aryan Terror Brigade
Racist Skinhead

European-American Unity and Rights Organization
White Nationalist

Kingdom Treasure Ministries

Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Ku Klux Klan

Midland Hammerskins
Racist Skinhead

National Black Foot Soldier Network
Black Separatist

National Socialist Freedom Movement

Sadistic Souls Motorcycle Club

The Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ
Black Separatist

The Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ
Black Separatist
Oklahoma City

The Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ
Black Separatist

The Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ
Black Separatist

United White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Ku Klux Klan

United White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Ku Klux Klan
Oklahoma City

United White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Ku Klux Klan

Windsor Hills Baptist Church
Oklahoma City


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Yeah, a lot of OSA posters idealogy lines up nicely with his.

Yeah, that one lasted a while, huh? OSA is way too tolerant of this ****. I tell myself tolerance of white supremacist on OSA is due to ignorance, but that's getting hard to convince myself of that. People have actually called me out for being able to spot these guys "I didn't even know what that was. You did. Hmm..." Well excuse me for reading books, guys.

Like EZ Bake, I've talked to a good number of old members who cite racism as one of the main reasons why they no longer post here. Guys that are active in the shooting community and joined here in 2005-2008 or so.

He has "311" in his screen name too, huh? Good enough "outing" for you, uncle money bags and TedKennedy?

Agree with KKK members all you want, guys. But agree with them and tell me you're not racist at the same time and it makes you look like bigger goddamned fools than the KKK themselves. They ADMIT they're racist.

Racism in the KKK is ineffectual and small-time. Racism in the mainstream American right-wing politics is huge and effective. Hence why one bothers me more than the other.

I had to look up "311", guess I'm not as schooled on all this hate perpetration going around.
I read through the whole thread, seems like everyone has a story of struggle, some worse than others. Some for serving their country.

Back to the OP - it is easy for me to see how someone could make the statement "anti-racist is anti-white". Anything pro-white is automatically perceived as "racist". Advertising "no bad neighborhoods" well, that takes a lot of nerve, doesn't it?

I guess I just keep learning...keep your mouth shut, unless you can say something positive about another race, or be denigrating another white person for their lack of guilt about being white.

I think I'll just kick back and rub my beer belly, thinking back on all that white privilege I enjoyed while using a shovel and sledge. Or visit with my half-white wife, who presumably has had to work twice as hard as her white counterparts. Maybe I'll contemplate on how best to take advantage of my mixed-race children, Lord knows, being the hate-filled guy I am, I don't want those guys to succeed.

I'll concede to you, RH - you've called me out, and exposed me for what I really am. BTW - a lot of my family has been in the NW Arkansas-NE OK area since the 1850s. Those pretty green hilltops devoid of trees that now are covered in grass - those were cleared by white folks, usually children waking along side a horse drawn wagon, and then the rocks would be dumped in the fencerows. Those wide, raised, rocky fencerows are monuments to the folks that scratched a living out of that rocky dirt. They were still clearing land the same way when Dad was a kid. Not slaves, white folks, the whole family. (slaves were rare in NW AR, unlike the richer delta areas where cash crops like cotton were grown.) So if those inbred hillbillies take a bit of pride in what they've got over there, and what their ancestors accomplished, please forgive them. I doubt they hate anyone, they probably are just dumb enough not to want to lose what's been gained.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
Ted, you keep using the term "pro-white" in one thread after another.

Its been my experience that the groups that claim to espouse pro white sympathies quickly move on to running other groups down and calling THAT pro white.
You got your KKK, your skinheads, your neo Nazis, white separatists, ......
They All say pro white like they're all innocent like and then 30 seconds later its all about running down other races.

Not saying that's you understand, or anyone else here.
When I hear "Pro-White" I know some kind of this racial superiority thing is what it means when you run it through the secret decoder ring.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Ted, you keep using the term "pro-white" in one thread after another.

Its been my experience that the groups that claim to espouse pro white sympathies quickly move on to running other groups down and calling THAT pro white.
You got your KKK, your skinheads, your neo Nazis, white separatists, ......
They All say pro white like they're all innocent like and then 30 seconds later its all about running down other races.

Not saying that's you understand, or anyone else here.
When I hear "Pro-White" I know some kind of this racial superiority thing is what it means when you run it through the secret decoder ring.

Well, Hobbes, there seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding - when I see pro-Hispanic, pro-African-American, pro-Native, I simply see folks wanting to promote and advance their culture/group/race. If its good for non-whites, it ought to be good for whites, also.

As for running down other races, I seem to notice, once in a while, whites run down as well. Doesn't matter if it's derogatory names, blaming for opression, conquering the Americas, creating glass ceilings, unfair housing, unequal educational opportunities....we get blamed for it all. I'm OK with that. You want to be a victim and blame your failures on other people, making my whole tribe responsible, go ahead. There are so many people dying to get to this country and take advantage of the opportunities here, I'll bet it's hard to keep a straight face when griping about how bad our system is.
Remember, also, all of the bad aspects of our country were perpetrated by white men, yet all of our good history must include those minorities that made all this greatness possible. Yeah, I don't mind being called bad things, just don't call me a weak victim.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
Ted, you keep using the term "pro-white" in one thread after another.

Its been my experience that the groups that claim to espouse pro white sympathies quickly move on to running other groups down and calling THAT pro white.
You got your KKK, your skinheads, your neo Nazis, white separatists, ......
They All say pro white like they're all innocent like and then 30 seconds later its all about running down other races.

Not saying that's you understand, or anyone else here.
When I hear "Pro-White" I know some kind of this racial superiority thing is what it means when you run it through the secret decoder ring.
You just can't have a white supremacy group without a secret decoder ring.
A lot of thier **** is unacceptable in mixed company so you have to run it through the secret decoder ring so that KKK comes out as 311.:hey3:


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I had to look up "311", guess I'm not as schooled on all this hate perpetration going around.

I'll concede to you, RH - you've called me out, and exposed me for what I really am.

Get down off the cross. I wasn't trying to expose you for anything. I was making the point that white supremacist groups are still active, we've had members of them post here, and many members here spout the same rhetoric they do. People repeating Klan catchphrases and sticking up for Klansmen without even realizing it bothers me. Yeah, I was trying to shame anyone who does so maybe they wake up to it.

Being unaware of one's racism does not mean it isn't racist. And I'm not talking some PC "he called a black guy a black guy ****". I'm talking about the people here who use phrases and words that started in white supremacist/seperatist groups. "Anti-racist" was all it took for me to know that was a KKK billboard. Educate yourself. I'm not white guilting anyone, nor am I the "PC Police". White supremacy *is* racist idealogy. I can't believe I'm getting arguments about that.

I have hillfolk family, too. The really poor kind. I know who etched a living out of the hills. The Klan in Harrison is not representative of most Ozarkians.

I've done nothing but condemn the KKK and white supremacist rhetoric. You will not make me feel stupid or guilty for doing so. Which seems to be the goal of your last post.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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No one has defended white supremacy. No one. Not in this thread.

And I still don't get the 311 thing with the KKK. But I'm not interested enough in it to look it up, either.

Oh well. Whole thing is overblown.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
If you feel that way, quit posting in this thread like you said you were going to do yesterday.

It's like the train wreck you can't look away from. Keep coming back to see the people making this more than it oughtta be.

Does it bother you? I mean, I live my whole day trying to make sure RH isn't getting bothered or annoyed...

<edit> And since it's your claim, please show me someone defending "white supremacy". Not white advancement.... supremacy. Show me where someone claimed white people were better than other people, in this thread.
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