Anyone else get a flu shot this year

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I had the normal flu shot last year and most years previous. I had serious concerns about the H1N1 vaccine last year and chose not to take the vaccine for it. This year, they don't give you a choice and don't advertise the fact that the H1N1 is part of the "normal" flu shot.

I researched enough info last year that I was not comfortable taking the H1N1 vaccine shot. My understanding is that they are using the same vaccine (for H1N1 this year). So, I choose not to get a flu shot this year and have warned extended family against it as well.

I suggest everyone do their own research about the safety of the H1N1 vaccine and make an educated choice for their family (extended or not).

Funny.... I've seen it advertised all over the place as being the H1N1 combo. I guess people see what they want to see.

And if your research has led you to believe it is poorly-tested or unsafe, then you're looking at very different information than I have access to.

Oh well... to each their own. Depending on herd immunity works for a lot of things.


Special Hen
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Dude seriously, don't talk about ELISAs and western blots to an audience that has no idea what they are used for or the meaning thereof. You do not have to get upset and complain just because someone else thinks differently either by choice or by lack of information, and personally if you are going to have doctor Pete as your avatar and represent OSU-COM you should watch how you speak to people. You are representing our College and telling people to quit spewing BS is not the way to represent our school (you should have been talked to during orientation about this kind of thing and if not I would be glad to inform you)

If you do however want to explain the mechanisms for how a vaccine works, how the immune system works, why certain populations should have certain immunizations, and why there are symptoms after getting a shot then do that not just throw around accusations

Simply to answer the latter questions in simple:
Vaccines use antigenic (parts of the bad bug, but rarely the whole bug) proteins that are studied, isolated, and shown to be extremely stimulating to the immune system.

The immune system uses these antigenic proteins to identify if its a part of the body or foreign (like passports). If its something new, it takes longer to react to and is typically more severe since it hasn't been seen before. If its a previous violater, its caught quicker and taken care off most often without symptoms.

Based on endemic disease (illness that are always within a certain country) you should be on a regiment to keep immunity to that disease. If you visit a country, you should always be treated for their endemic diseases. There is another concept of herd immunity where if enough, but not everyone, gets vaccinated, you can successfully block a disease by destroying the chain of transmission.

The reason you have "side-effects" depends on your immune system, and previous exposure to either wild-type or isolated proteins. As said before, your body is developing the ability to recognize a new bad bug therefore you may have some of the symptoms of actually being sick.

And now to please first request, Avatar is changed. This is something I spent a lot of time researching and when mislead media leads people to false conclusions that are further propagated, it is BS. When the health of innocent people are compromised such as the mump outbreak that happened in the north east not too long ago, it is very disturbing. My relation to OSU has nothing to do with my opinion just as the OU and OSU bumper stickers on every car out there doesn't make that person a spokesperson for the school.


Special Hen
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have no problem with people choosing to not vaccinate. I do have a problem with misinformation that mislead people to NOT vaccinate. There is a difference.

If you honestly choose no vaccine whether it be DTaP, flu shot, or whatever else based on religious or personal belief, etc, then okay. fine. your choice to some extent (ie public school regulations).

But if you entice misinformation, that is wrong (same thing as yelling bomb on a plane in my opinion).


Special Hen
Mar 22, 2009
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Somewhere out here!
It's mandatory for me, so I get it every year. No problems with it afterwards, nor did anyone else in my unit I speak to frequently. Misinformation and tin foil hat conspiracy crap is what makes people think they're going to die by getting a stinkin vaccine. As already said, if you don't want it, don't get it. I'll take my chances with it. Having spent 2 weeks last year with a wife sick with the swine flu, I want any advantage I can get.

Mos Eisley

Special Hen
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
Doctors and people who think they're doctors are so vain. They always have to let everyone know they're a doctor. Heck, you even have to call them Dr. So-and-so. Do I call the lady checking out my groceries Cashier Lopez? Or maybe the dude working on my car Mechanic Smith? Jeez!

I don't care what anybody says, I heard the shot grows hair on your nipples and hair AROUND my nipples is enough!


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