My children do not get vaccinated

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Special Hen
Apr 13, 2009
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This thread is stupid, vaccines have basically eradicated many deadly diseases and are only known in third world countries. In the last few years a lot of them have made a comeback even in the U.S. and only due to non-vaccinated populations, you can guess where most of them have come from.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 1, 2006
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Enid, OK.
I don't know about now, but years ago, some or most of those vaccines were incubated in eggs. Our son had an extreme allergy to eggs and the pediatrician advised us NOT to vaccinate him. He said the only way he would give him any vaccines was if we did it in the ER where everything was at the ready. That's the only reason he did not get vaccinated. He has since outgrown that allergy (he still has some) and got the vaccines later in life. Yes, we had a little difficulty getting him into school, but our pediatrician was extremely well know and he just said, 'You send them to ME if they have a problem with that.' Problem disappeared.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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I don't know about now, but years ago, some or most of those vaccines were incubated in eggs. Our son had an extreme allergy to eggs and the pediatrician advised us NOT to vaccinate him. He said the only way he would give him any vaccines was if we did it in the ER where everything was at the ready. That's the only reason he did not get vaccinated. He has since outgrown that allergy (he still has some) and got the vaccines later in life. Yes, we had a little difficulty getting him into school, but our pediatrician was extremely well know and he just said, 'You send them to ME if they have a problem with that.' Problem disappeared.

Herd immunity is most important for those like your son who for medical reasons cannot be vaccinated. If they are otherwise healthy, there is no reason to not vaccinate.


Special Hen
Jul 13, 2016
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Outside of Slaughterville, OK
I don't have kids, but if I did, I would vaccinate them for the full round of diseases.

The vaccine I have no trust in at all is the flu vaccine. I did 20 years active duty Air Force. I got the flu vaccine every year since they mandated it.
Every single year, about 4 or 5 days after the vaccination, I ended up sick in bed for at least a week with......THE FLU.
I retired 14 years ago, and stopped getting the flu vaccine. In 14 years, I have had the flu ONCE.
I am not stating that the flu vaccine doesn't work on a large percentage of the population. I just know that it does NOT work when given to me.
The childhood vaccines are created to immunize against STABLE viruses. Small Pox, Measles, Typhoid, Polio, etc., do not mutate significantly.
The flu is one of the most unstable viruses in existence. Each year, they GUESS at what the strain will be, and HOPE they vaccinate using a strain that is close to what hits, then MAYBE people won't get it.


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Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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I don't have kids, but if I did, I would vaccinate them for the full round of diseases.

The vaccine I have no trust in at all is the flu vaccine. I did 20 years active duty Air Force. I got the flu vaccine every year since they mandated it.
Every single year, about 4 or 5 days after the vaccination, I ended up sick in bed for at least a week with......THE FLU.
I retired 14 years ago, and stopped getting the flu vaccine. In 14 years, I have had the flu ONCE.
I am not stating that the flu vaccine doesn't work on a large percentage of the population. I just know that it does NOT work when given to me.
The childhood vaccines are created to immunize against STABLE viruses. Small Pox, Measles, Typhoid, Polio, etc., do not mutate significantly.
The flu is one of the most unstable viruses in existence. Each year, they GUESS at what the strain will be, and HOPE they vaccinate using a strain that is close to what hits, then MAYBE people won't get it.

This is what I plan on. I was vaccinated as a child, and intend to vaccinate my children (well, to let the Doc do it).

But I've never had the Flu vaccine, and have never had the Flu (not the real flu at least). I've had stomach bugs, but never Influenza. But if I worked somewhere where exposure would be likely - childcare/school, medical, cashier - I would consider getting it. But I work a desk job, and don't have children to bring it home.

Do I trust big pharma? Nope. But that doesn't mean that all medicinal practices and treatments are bad.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Anyone else?

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dang man, you have really been stirring the pot lately...u sure some leftist millennial didn't hack your account and decide to "have some fun with them rednecks over at OSA"?

Okay, I took the bait this time!

My kids were vaccinated to protect themselves from your kids :)

Exactly -- Well said amigo! Where ever there is risk, there MUST be choice...but the beauty is that if vaccines work, then there is no reason for you to worry about other people's choices anymore than you worry if someone frequently washed their hands during flu season.

Thankfully some our more conservative members of the OK legislature do not believe forced medication from the government is a good can of worms to open. Only the liberals and the RINOS want to force it. Just look at the Rhode Island and California. They also know that just like black police shootings, the statistics do not warrant the hysteria and if anything, closing the border would be our BEST defense against disease. I hope some of you other conservatives consider what I'm saying and realize you can be pro-vaccine without being pro-mandate.

“...scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room, and reviewed and went through all the hardcopy documents that we had thought we should discard, and put them into a huge garbage can.”

Or original vid from CSPAN without the other commentary:

Our last vaccine thread went 146

YES...I do not have the energy this time :) You sir, are a great debater.
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Special Hen
Jul 13, 2016
Reaction score
Outside of Slaughterville, OK
..but the beauty is that if vaccines work, then there is no reason for you to worry about other people's choices anymore than you worry if someone frequently washed their hands during flu season.

That is the issue. Vaccines, while "very effective" in preventing diseases, they are not 100% effective in preventing diseases.
So, if your child happens to be one of the few who aren't adequately protected despite being vaccinated, and your neighbor didn't vaccinate his kid, it is not just his kid that is at risk, it is your kid too.


Dec 10, 2008
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Vaccines are a conspiracy between pharmaceutical companies and International Harvaster to drive up the need for short buses. Plain as day

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