Obama's Presidental Orders

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Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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Street Rat

Dec 10, 2007
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These are proposals. Nothing more. Don't break out the tin foil over it. He thinks he can make new law by executive order. It doesn't work like that. EO can only clarify existing law. That said, HIPPA prevents any law enforcement entity from accessing or cross referencing confidential patient records. There are extremely powerful groups working behind the scenes to make sure HIPPA remains sacred and enforceable.

Takes AIDS patients. They have obvious reasons for wanting to keep their secret, secret. They have the homosexual lobby working on their behalf, and we all know that politicians are deathly afraid of the homosexual lobby.

Then there's the AMA and APA who stand to lose revenue from lost clients who, if HIPPA is repealed, lose clients.

Those are just a couple of well funded groups who will make sure confidentiality laws won't be repealed.

Just remember, whatever idiot happens to be residing in the White House can't do it. It takes an act of Congress.

You have been paying attention to what has not only come out of the current administration, but also the various government agencies right? Because your post may suggest you haven't. I understand what you're saying, but we have an out of control federal government and our precious government agencies scare me just as much. The fat lady is standing up and she's walking to the mic.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 20, 2009
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Sorry but under law a PTSD vet must be declared by the court of law to be denied the ownership of firearms. Trust me my doc tells me to shoot more and attend more competitions.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Among the persons subject to the Federal mental health prohibitor are individuals who have been involuntarily committed to a mental institution; found incompetent to stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity; or otherwise have been determined by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority to be a danger to themselves or others or to lack the mental capacity to contract or manage their own affairs, as a result of marked subnormal intelligence or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease. Under this proposal, only covered entities with lawful authority to make adjudication or commitment decisions that make individuals subject to the Federal mental health prohibitor, or that serve as repositories of information for NICS reporting purposes, would be permitted to disclose the information needed for these purposes.

Evaluation is going to rely on the judgement of psychologists. Some are good but overall they are not to be trusted. Psychology is not a hard science and is highly subject to political correctness. As an illustration of this, the American Psychological Association recognizes seven or so genders http://www.apa.org/topics/sexuality/transgender.aspx?item=4. Most will also recall the forced commitment of political dissidents to mental institutions in the former Soviet Union.


Oct 11, 2012
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I worry that regardless of how bad this may or may be....is it will effect how some people who need to seek out treatment respond. For example: I come home from work amd find something terrible has happened to my family, I go a little off the deep end and I know I need help, but I consider loosing my 2A and I wonder if maybe I can self medacate or read a few more Internet articles instead.

This scenario is what worries me.


Oct 11, 2012
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Gun's and other dangerous weapons will exist regardless of law. If the American people are truly stripped of their gun rights it will only spark invention and could likely replace what we know as the modern gun..its about time....how old is gunpowder.


Oct 11, 2012
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I think what im saying is "our greatest need for Innovation comes when we have suffered a great loss"
That may be a original saying by "The Great Yourshoesareuntied" as it was not cut and pasted from another web.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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You reference the assault weapons ban of 1989. Are you talking about the bill Reagan signed in 1986? Congress handed Reagan a new law/bill. On that bill was a ban on machine guns being sold in America that were manufactured after 1986. Other than that, the only such bill I remember from 1989 is when California banned certain brands of evil looking weapons, and that has nothing to do with our discussion.

I was referring to the import ban, sorry.


May 12, 2010
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but we have an out of control federal government and our precious government agencies scare me just as much.

I am paying attention and there's no reason for you to be snide. We're on the same team. At least, at first glance, that's what I thought. But it appears unless everybody belongs to the chicken little club, they have little credibility in your circle of friends.

Yes, our government is out of control. Our government has been out of control ........ for decades. The formation of the IRS. Income taxes. Social Security as a retirement program. Gun control. DEA. TSA. HSA. I agree. Government is, and has been, out of control for a long time. At some point the American people decided that government had the right to stick their nose in my personal business.

But that's not the point of my post. My point is that the POTUS cannot simply declare patient confidentiality laws invalid in order to implement more gun control. He cannot do that. It takes an act of Congress for such things. And they're not going to do it. There are too many special interest groups with powerful lobbies that will make sure they don't. Not to mention the same voters who informed their representatives, after Sandy Hook, "Stay away from our guns if you value your underworked, overpaid, careers."

It's you who are not paying attention to what I'm saying. I'm saying the President cannot simply declare himself King and pass/repeal whatever laws he wants. He cannot make law. He cannot repeal law.

And for the umpteenth time, what's being discussed throughout the internet is a proposal by the white house. Said proposal has to go through Congress to become law, and Congress already learned their lesson with their antigun tactics after Sandy Hook. Nothing will come of it.

But you go ahead and don your tinfoil hat and continue your anti government paranoid rants. I'm through trying to reason with people like you.

And I'm through with this thread.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I am paying attention and there's no reason for you to be snide. We're on the same team. At least, at first glance, that's what I thought. But it appears unless everybody belongs to the chicken little club, they have little credibility in your circle of friends.

Yes, our government is out of control. Our government has been out of control ........ for decades. The formation of the IRS. Income taxes. Social Security as a retirement program. Gun control. DEA. TSA. HSA. I agree. Government is, and has been, out of control for a long time. At some point the American people decided that government had the right to stick their nose in my personal business.

But that's not the point of my post. My point is that the POTUS cannot simply declare patient confidentiality laws invalid in order to implement more gun control. He cannot do that. It takes an act of Congress for such things. And they're not going to do it. There are too many special interest groups with powerful lobbies that will make sure they don't. Not to mention the same voters who informed their representatives, after Sandy Hook, "Stay away from our guns if you value your underworked, overpaid, careers."

It's you who are not paying attention to what I'm saying. I'm saying the President cannot simply declare himself King and pass/repeal whatever laws he wants. He cannot make law. He cannot repeal law.

And for the umpteenth time, what's being discussed throughout the internet is a proposal by the white house. Said proposal has to go through Congress to become law, and Congress already learned their lesson with their antigun tactics after Sandy Hook. Nothing will come of it.

But you go ahead and don your tinfoil hat and continue your anti government paranoid rants. I'm through trying to reason with people like you.

And I'm through with this thread.

Be through if you want, but it does not have to go through Congress. This is a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register. It is not a new law and doesn't require a vote. Read my links and you'll see that.

What they are proposing is a change in HOW the current laws are implemented and interpreted. Laws are the how, regulations are the what.

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