The Wall - Going Military

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It is patrolled. But with spotters placed up and down the river with cell phones, the cartels know exactly where the patrols are. Doesn't take them very long to ferry a shipment from bank to bank..

"But,..but minefields and kill-zones would interrupt the breeding habits of the Sonoran green peckered humpback tortoise.!" (or something to that effect)

A kill zone would force legal immigration into this country through the proper channels.
No more trespass, no more illegal immigrants that give up their life savings to coyote's to be killed in the back of non air conditioned trucks and vans, stacked in there like sardines. No more illegal drug runners carrying backpacks of drugs to kill our children and friends.
Only immigrants coming in that want legal work and not drug dealers, convicted felons with murder and rape convictions.
This country has always welcomed legal immigrants. Ellis Island was used to weed out the ones we didn't want unbeknownst to most and send them back to their home country.
The US has always welcomed migrant workers to work the fields and harvest crops from Mexico, but when they found out they could just overstay their visas, they became illegal.
The liberal governments of some cities and states that need a lower class that depends on the government is all in favor of illegal immigrants and open borders because they vote. California is allowing the same ID issued for personal identification to be use in the voting booth.
Rush Limbaugh in a TV interview said that he would be 100% in favor of 100% open borders if the people crossing that border were not allowed to vote for 20 years.
Guess what, not one liberal politician has agreed with that since he made that commitment. Imagine that.
Now you know why liberals want open borders.
This anchor baby issue needs to be addressed as well. People from China, Mexico, and elsewhere are flocking across our border to have a baby with dual citizenship. We are the only country in the world that does that.
It needs to go away.
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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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I read this AM on Yahoo that Trump was giving a speech up north and said that "There's a lot of heat on our souther border"=referring to the sun. He is thinking of making the wall solar to produce electricity. It'd pay for itself! Of course, silver will be used 2,000 miles of solar panels! So the article was hawking silver but it makes sense.


Dec 10, 2008
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I read this AM on Yahoo that Trump was giving a speech up north and said that "There's a lot of heat on our souther border"=referring to the sun. He is thinking of making the wall solar to produce electricity. It'd pay for itself! Of course, silver will be used 2,000 miles of solar panels! So the article was hawking silver but it makes sense.
it's a good idea, but it'd have to quadruple the cost or more considering it's a government endeavor. He's had a tough enough time getting the funding he has


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Jan 12, 2007
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For a bunch a Christians and championers of human rights (sorry natural rights that all humans are endowed with) I see a bunch of people advocating for a more aggressive ROE than Iraq on our borders against a group of people that you have more in common with than you think.
Also for a bunch of what I would expect would be champions of small government, you sure do enjoy the thought of disrupting a bunch of state economies in a very expensive and obviously political move because Trump can't back up his promises by traditional means.

Y'all need to get out and meet some Mexicans. And embrace the Latin wave, its coming, in fact, its here, and here to stay.

Sorry, I've studied me some Latin American history. I have no need here in the United States for how they conduct government and business in their home countries. None whatsoever. :(

But hey, feel free to debate the merits of government and business methods in Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, etc. when compared to the United States.

While you're at it, feel free to praise the merits of gun control, since most Central and South American nations have STRICT anti-gun laws. Don't forget to mention that the most pro-gun nation in Latin America (Uruguay) was a military and/or strong man dictatorship until 1985! ;)

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