Threads about Race and Racism

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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
The last 4 years and the next 4 years has proven racism doesn't exist as defined years ago. I am just waiting until the white Christian male affords the same rights as the defined minority does today.

It is interesting that our attny gen says we live in a nation of (racist) cowards yet he and his buddy hold 2 of the highest offices in the nation and his buddy was re-elected...that is not even possible if our nation was as he described it.

What has happened is the past legitimate issue of INSTITUTIONAL racism, whereas certain groups were institutionally discriminated against by their own government (state, fed, local), has been "used" to foster a new racial demagoguery where even any non-institutional speech/opinions/facts regarding race have been all lumped into the same basket, and that has become the new proverbial club with which to beat anyone over the head with who dares to dissent from the status quo or criticizes the establishment's polices. It is all part of the Fabian Society/Alinsky tactics and this nation has fallen for it in a big way. It is just another tool in Luciferianism where-by, they use "Luciferian Inversion" to overtime, make things acceptable that once were not even 10 or 20yrs ago, or up is down, right is wrong, etc, have all seen this play out slowly over your lifetime, but it was accelerated big-time since say the late 1990's...

And one wound seems to feed another...instead of just letting the wound of evil, institutional racism heal, but to constantly attack the the white Christian male MINORITY in this nation and tell him he and his religion are a piece of sh*t and there is NOTHING he can do to ever heal the wound...not even elect the current leader in 2008..."it ain't ever gonna be good enough"...well my friends, this is just a product of the white liberal male using the classic British divide and conquer tactic where they Islamists, union thugs, minorities and any simple-minded people they can find and exploit as foot soldiers to be used against their rivals which is the white conservative male...The white liberal male is a dainty creature and doesn't have the muscle to effect the change it wants alone, so it uses its brain combined with the muscle mentioned above that can be bought with bribery or handouts, and the court of public opinion (fake moral out rage), to stay in power politically and use "soft tyranny" to slowly take over. All the while COUNTING on us to take the moral high-ground and self-police/self-censor, and remain tolerant to being kicked int he face on a daily basis...I believe some in the ACLU have even vowed to "use the constitution against us"...

Yes, all of this is allowed to go on because of the lying media mainly...If the avg person knew 20% of what many of us here did, then things would self-correct in a hurry. But unfortunately, the vast majority of the electorate is uninformed or 'low information voters" as some like to describe. Specifically on race, if you asked the avg person on the street, most could not tell you that:

The Klan was pro-gun control
Martin Luther King was a Republican
The Klan was founded by Democrats
A prominent former klansman democrat used the N-word on the Senate floor in the 2000's
Lyndon Johnson was a racist and only signed civil rights under pressure from the Republicans at which point he decided to make it his own and claim the black vote for the Democrat party
The Progessive/liberal founder of Planned Parenthood wanted to abort minorities to get them out of the genepool and even wrote about it

The point is, the more that someone blames me for something I had nothing to do with in history...the more they want to take from me as if I owe it...the more I am told i am a piece of sh*t just for being born who I was...etc, etc, etc, etc...then that just tends to push away a person no matter what group they are from...If OSU fans treat me bad and tell me I am a terrible person because I like OU...and they have done it all my some point I tend to not prefer to befriend or be around OSU fans as a group based on my own life experiences and treatment...when they decide there can be no common ground, then it is doomed from the start.

Oh and BTW, another way this all fits in is the indoctrination of the children in public schools...responsible gun owners have become the new group to be hated...being pro-2nd amendment is the "new" racism...we see this as part of the Luciferian plan to raise kids to hate guns and ostracize anyone who dissents...we have seen a kid in trouble to making a gun out of a poptart yesterday, a 6yr old kid expelled for throwing an IMAGINARY grenade during recess, another who was playing cowboy and made a gun with his finger, and a little 7yr old girl who was called a "murderer" by classmates and frisked by the teacher for having a paper gun in her coat pocket that her grandfather made for her...AND DUE TO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, NONE OF US WILL DO OR SAY A DARN THING TO combat this takeover of the minds of our youth because "we are too scared to offend anybody" In other words, we "self police" in the name of decency...guys the liberals have already won...prepare yourselves for a global, socialist,'s coming. muhuhuhuhahahahaaaa!!! IS IN FACT "THE REST OF THE WORLD" AGAINST YOU...that is what you are facing. Political correctness has been a very effective weapon in this struggle, we know that.

Please move this to the new thread if necessary when it becomes available...I am not debating race...I am just contributing based on your well-though-out post...I see both sides and I understand not wanting other people to make you look bad on your own forum...we are good and decent people here for the most part and this is a very complex issue.
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Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
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Morgan Freeman on racism. We still have it because we keep talking about it. The man sees no need for black history month. I tend to agree with him. I thought people were just people. Don't matter what color your skin is. So why do we need to talk about it again?


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Morgan Freeman on racism. We still have it because we keep talking about it. The man sees no need for black history month. I tend to agree with him. I thought people were just people. Don't matter what color your skin is. So why do we need to talk about it again?

he actually said that any opposition to the current prez is fueled ONLY by racism...its total BS...I got news for ya Morgan...most of the time, Republicans don't vote for Democrats no matter what color they are so why then are you so surprised that more Tea Partiers don't support this regime???...I and millions like me supported Alan Keys in '96...and would have gladly voted for Herman Cain had he gotten the nomination...does that matter to people like Freeman? nope...Morgan Freeman with all his millions and the wonderful life this nation has afforded him still thinks this is a racist shameful...I am sorry JB but I am on a roll tonight...but if what I say is true then is it really wrong LOL???

I have a theory that they WANT and need the racism "boogieman" allows them to exploit the insane level of political correctness we now have in our society in order to further take power. If you could push a button tomorrow and end all racism in America, Morgan Freeman and 0bummer would not push it...

EMOTION is also a weapon...over-emotion stifles honest debate just as much as political correctness...and libs are very emotional people as are the uninformed masses by large...I tend to shake my head at how arrogant & emotional uninformed voters are that I come across can be...take ANY other topic...say model air knowledge is limited on that topic...I would tend NOT to be arrogant to someone who knew more about that subject than i did and I would respect the information they gave me, even if I later verified it myself. But there are people who would know nothing about model airplanes and almost be mad you a person who does...their brains are just wired for emotion and confrontation rather than logic and civility...

Okay JB I am done...I have worn out the 1st Amendment for the evening and I will let the others take it from here unless someone quotes me...even i am self-policing even though I am just partaking in well-intentioned, open, honest discussion.
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
However, DennisHoddy made a comment in another thread that made a lot of sense. He basically asked how we could ever make progress if we did not discuss the issue. I agree. Political Correctness is killing our country. It stifles honest debate and it prohibits us from making TRUE progress in race relations. We can never solve problems if we do not attempt to understand others' points of view. That does NOT mean you have to agree with them, but you should at least be willing to hear them. It may reinforce your current beliefs, or it may change your mind on your beliefs. Either way, honest, respectful discussion is a step forward.

Too many Black, Hispanic, Native American and Asian men and women have given their lives in service of our country, so we can have the freedom to believe as we wish.

Thank you JB.Right after I made that post, I saw it was deleted and I was pissed beyond belief.
I've been passioniate about this issue for many years before coming to this site. Never touched it because of the reprocussions.

My home town in the 60's and 70's( Ponca City)abolished the only grade school that was strictly Black, and those kids went to school with everybody. Home of the 10th biggest oil refinery in the US, so I grew up with people from all over the world that came to work there, do business there, or work in the oil fields that surround the area.

Like a lot of folks on this site, that have served our country in the military on foreign ground, we have assimilated with the population in our duty.

Those of us with military backgrounds have served with many grunts, squids, leather necks and flyboys that used the military to get a fast forward to being a legal civilian. Thats the way it needs to happen. I remember one PFC named Alex Anestatiatis in 71 that was an immigrant from Greece. He wanted to be a citizen of the US so bad that he joined the military. I put the rementants of his legs on a Huey next to him on his Medevac to a field hospital. I hope to God he made it.

I came back to the US with it in termoil. Massive protests against the war. Business owners refusing to hire veterans coming in from Vietnam. Anti war protestors hanging military effigy's, flags burning in the streets.
It got so bad that there were laws passed that put Vietnam Veterans in the "minority" class than enabled them to be eligible for equal opportunity (I can't remember the law) the same as minority's like black, mexican, etc.

Its posted on our bullitin board at work. I'll take a pic and post it tomorrow.

But yes, we need to talk.

If we talk, we survive. We learn.

I don't know how a street guy thinks. He doesn't know how I think.

We need to talk.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Morgan Freeman on racism. We still have it because we keep talking about it. The man sees no need for black history month. I tend to agree with him. I thought people were just people. Don't matter what color your skin is. So why do we need to talk about it again?

We need to talk about it because when I came back from the war, I went back to college on the GI bill. There were dorms that were black only. Racism works two ways.
Everybody is proud of their ancestors for the most part, and what part they played in our history.
My sister is into family geneology, and we have relatives that served on both sides of the war between the states. It wasn't about slavery.

I do not agree with the current thing going around that its not right to have black history month, black fashion pagents, and so on, without giving equal play to Italian history month, and so on. Anybody dissagreeing with this is labeled a racist.

So, we have determined that racism is equal on both sides of the spectrum. What do we do to end it?


Special Hen
Sep 6, 2012
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this is something that has bothered me for years, but unfortunately Svedka has shown me her Heine and i cannot complete a thought, so maybe tomorrow
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