What to do about neighbors selling drugs.

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Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
McClain County
The difference is that the doctor is responsible for knowing things about you and your mental state, your physical health, the other medications you may be on, the purpose of your desire for the medication or the general need for it, the risk of the medication itself alone and in conjunction with all the other conditions stated above, weighing that risk, making a judgement on the appropriateness and safety as well as efficacy of the substance, then also counseling you on all these things so you can make an informed judgement together and then prescribing the medication under recommended guidelines, monitoring its use and effectiveness, along with any potential side effects, even those unnoticed by the user, adjusting dosage appropriately given all the ongoing and changing circumstances and health conditions and making sure it is being used appropriately, safely and is not being diverted, abused or having delterious consequences otherwise not considered. So... no... a warning label is not sufficient. <edit> Whew... now my fingers hurt.
Is the individual not responsible for knowing his mental state, physical health, other medications? Is he not capable of making an informed decision without VERBAL interaction with a Doc? What if the warning (assume it's warning literature and not a label) were written by a doctor specializing in patient education about hazardous substances? Edit: I'm trying to keep my posts short (and most likely sacrificing some clarity) because I'm posting via phone.

Further edit: what if average joe consulted with a team of doctors and still decided he wanted to buy meth that was produced at a well regulated facility?


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Is the individual not responsible for knowing his mental state, physical health, other medications? Is he not capable of making an informed decision without VERBAL interaction with a Doc? What if the warning (assume it's warning literature and not a label) were written by a doctor specializing in patient education about hazardous substances?

Such instructions are included with all medications already. They usually get tossed.

And no... the FDA has determined that certain substances cannot be properly evaluated for use without special training and education and must be monitored more closely.

Yes the individual is responsible... as is his/her doctor.


Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
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The police won't do anything about the drugs. They don't investigate unless there is something major that involves lots of money or murder. The most you can do is have them come out on a noise complaint. Call as much as you can on it, and the cops will get tired of having to go check it out, and may start looking for ways to make them stop. Look for any type of code violations, and call the city inspector and explain they are trashy, and mention the noise and the danger they(or their customers) pose. They will threaten them with a fine for any infractions, and their landlord will get a notice as well. In drug dealing, most attention, is bad attention. MYOB is all well and good if they are respectful. If not, f*ck 'em.

Been down this road, it's disturbing the peace an officer(s) will arrive and if it's loud and unruly they will issue the offending party a citation and YOU must sign as the "arresting" officer, it is then up to you to show up in court as the "arresting" officer. I had the cops over at least 1/2 a dozen times in the past when I had some real winners living next to me. back in 07~08, Animal control got involved as well when they left a dog outside with no food and water for 3 days, it was 4 more days before any of them even came home. In the interim I was taking care of their dog. The ********* brother got carted off via ambulance twice for OD'ing on whatever his choice of drug was, they were broken into 4 times and I always had to pick up their trash from my yard.

That being said I lived in a rental house over in the pearl district area about 18~20 years ago and we knew the neighbors were dealing weed, but they kept it low key and I never had a problem with them in the 2.5 years I lived there, they were great to have next door.


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
McClain County
Such instructions are included with all medications already. They usually get tossed. And no... the FDA has determined that certain substances cannot be properly evaluated for use without special training and education and must be monitored more closely. Yes the individual is responsible... as is his/her doctor.

What if the person consults with a doc, gets a second, concurring opinion and still decides he wants to use?

As to tossing warnings, that's on the individual.

It all comes down to whether you believe the law should be used to try to save people from themselves. I don't like that approach because it breeds the type of thinking that people aren't accountable for their own actions. It creates a dependency on someone else (the government) to take care of them.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
What if the person consults with a doc, gets a second, concurring opinion and still decides he wants to use?

As to tossing warnings, that's on the individual.

It all comes down to whether you believe the law should be used to try to save people from themselves. I don't like that approach because it breeds the type of thinking that people aren't accountable for their own actions. It creates a dependency on someone else (the government) to take care of them.

So petition the FDA. Call your Senators and Reps.

Good luck.


Special Hen
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
With anything, there is use and abuse/misuse. The difference can be a thinly veiled line. Restricting access because of the potential for abuse/misuse is a slippery slope of restricting freedom. Any intelligent person should make an informed decision before using something(whether that be consulting an expert, reading literature, querying other users for reviews and experiences, etc.), regardless of what it is.

Doctors will certainly give you advice and expertise that best benefits you the patient, but unfortunately that is not always the case(but that is a whole different can of worms).

As for the OP, it sounds like he has some unruly youngsters that need to be taught a lesson in respecting others rights, privacy, safety, etc. Whether or not that should be done through law enforcement and the courts is a subject I will let the rest of you debate. This thread is already going in about a dozen different directions, so I am just going to sit back and watch most of the madness unfold from the safety of my "armchair."


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
McClain County
With anything, there is use and abuse/misuse. The difference can be a thinly veiled line. Restricting access because of the potential for abuse/misuse is a slippery slope of restricting freedom. Any intelligent person should make an informed decision before using something(whether that be consulting an expert, reading literature, querying other users for reviews and experiences, etc.), regardless of what it is. Doctors will certainly give you advice and expertise that best benefits you the patient, but unfortunately that is not always the case(but that is a whole different can of worms). As for the OP, it sounds like he has some unruly youngsters that need to be taught a lesson in respecting others rights, privacy, safety, etc. Whether or not that should be done through law enforcement and the courts is a subject I will let the rest of you debate. This thread is already going in about a dozen different directions, so I am just going to sit back and watch most of the madness unfold from the safety of my "armchair."

Usually my M.O. as well, but I've needed diversion today. This thread seemed fun. I like talking to people like tRdoc, BB, and even good old JB (to name a FEW) because I enjoy looking at things from all angles without someone getting all butthurt.

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