Woke state next door.

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Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Gibson
Isn't that amazing? I wonder if crime and gun violence corresponds with that map?
Ought to be able to drill into the data and find the problem.
It says the dark green areas are the safest. It’s not 100% but there is a slight correlation.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bristow, OK
I would be interested in seeing the authors data on that opinion.

Austin and the Dallas metroplex area are getting bluer every election cycle. I am sure a lot of native Texans are flocking to those areas but they also get a lot of out of state liberals that flock there for work and lifestyle while maintaining a semblance of there southern US upbringing.

Basically young people that are too cool for the Kansas,Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas metroplexes but not so inclined to move to the coastal areas. Still liberals on the surface though.
Found the article I posted several weeks ago. Here's the read. Don't know anything about the authers but seems mostly like legit info.

Basically it tells me the native born Texans, probably their offspring, are what is turning the state purple along with those who move to TX from outside the continental US.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
Shawnee, OK
I would be interested in seeing the authors data on that opinion.

Austin and the Dallas metroplex area are getting bluer every election cycle. I am sure a lot of native Texans are flocking to those areas but they also get a lot of out of state liberals that flock there for work and lifestyle while maintaining a semblance of there southern US upbringing.

Basically young people that are too cool for the Kansas,Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas metroplexes but not so inclined to move to the coastal areas. Still liberals on the surface though.
A guy I work with married a girl from Austin. They just got back from going there to visit her family and he talked about how insane it has become. He said some of the dump houses there are costing ridiculous prices just like in California. And areas are developing so fast you wouldn’t believe. He can’t stand going there now.

A lot of people don’t know this, but Onegas, my company, owns Texas Gas Service, and our biggest market is Austin and El Paso. Austin is exploding with growth and it’s not because of native Texans. It’s transplants from blue states and illegals.

I said this a while back, Ted Cruze, part Cuban, almost lost his re-election bid last time to a white Irish man, claiming to be Hispanic. Let that sink in folks. We may not like to admit it, but Texas WILL be purple very soon. And then it will quickly become blue.

It doesn’t matter though. Voting is not gonna fix our problems. Our government is far too corrupt. We cannot trust any part of it. We have allowed all of this to fester for decades. And I am so sick and tired of hearing people blame democrats when the republicans haven’t done jack crap to stop it. And they don’t do anything to fix it.

When the government started taxing us, there should have immediately been a revolt. But nothing happened. Now we are taxed for numerous things, not just our pay. I shouldn’t have to pay taxes for anything. Especially for work I have done to earn that money. It is blatant theft. Just like forcing me to pay taxes for my property. I own it, I shouldn’t have to pay the county for no reason. They don’t do one thing to my property. Yet, I still have to pay them.

I could go on and on about the things we have allowed our government to do to us. We are NOT free no matter what anyone says. A free man wouldn’t have to have his wages stolen from him, a free man wouldn’t have to ask for permission to buy a gun, buy a silencer, have an SBR or to make a silencer or firearm. A free man wouldn’t have his speech suppressed or deemed “hate speech”. A free man wouldn’t have his property stolen by the police for “evidence”. And lastly, a free man could walk in to the nations capitol to protest without being murdered, or thrown into prison and held for years with no trial. And finally be granted one just to be railroaded and found guilty by a handpicked and biased jury. Freedom died a very long time ago.

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