Anyone who plans to open carry ....

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Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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So let me see if I've got this right? You're afraid of law abiding citizens, vetted by the city, county, state and federal governments as certified good guys because for some reason carrying openly instead of concealed is gonna all of a sudden turn 'em all into dangerous raving lunatics who the cops are gonna be so afraid of that blood will run in the streets until the new wears off.


That makes sense...

OK - now that I got that out of my system I predict there won't be one single incident that results in the arrest of one single person for open carry in the 1st week in November. The cops in some cities will hassle the citizens but after a while they'll get tired of it, the soccer moms and the hoplophobes will get used to it and all will be copacetic. At some point even the died in the wool CCW'rs who ran around waiting for the sky to fall will stop looking up and their fear will fade away.

OC - a bunch of hoopla about nothing.

This is pretty much my opinion of it.

I won't open carry much, or at least not on an extended or regular basis, but I don't have a problem with those who would.

But like werewolf, I highly doubt there will be many who regularly OC, and even fewer of these:

Yep, Desert Eagles in drop leg holsters, with ass clowns wearing camel backs walking around Walmart.
Tony Rumore

Do remember, in your fit of self-righteous hate, that these people who you are calling out, have some level of investment in carry equipment. Flaunting it in the manner you suggest could easily be seen as disturbing the peace, or even brandishing.

Even on OSA, where we have some died in the wool fundamentalist 2A supporters, I have not heard anyone claim seriously that they are going to attempt to shop Walmart in full riot gear.


Special Hen
Apr 14, 2011
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I'm so thin, I can only effectively conceal a Beretta Tomcat or similiar size pocket gun. I won't have to worry about printing so much now with a midsize.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX
So let me see if I've got this right? You're afraid of law abiding citizens, vetted by the city, county, state and federal governments as certified good guys because for some reason carrying openly instead of concealed is gonna all of a sudden turn 'em all into dangerous raving lunatics who the cops are gonna be so afraid of that blood will run in the streets until the new wears off.


That makes sense...

OK - now that I got that out of my system I predict there won't be one single incident that results in the arrest of one single person for open carry in the 1st week in November. The cops in some cities will hassle the citizens but after a while they'll get tired of it, the soccer moms and the hoplophobes will get used to it and all will be copacetic. At some point even the died in the wool CCW'rs who ran around waiting for the sky to fall will stop looking up and their fear will fade away.

OC - a bunch of hoopla about nothing.

I think you took what I said the wrong way. I don't in any way shape or form think OC turns certified good guys into bad ones. I think that all the sheeple running scared will prompt many phone calls to the PD's. With so many incidences and as many people as there appear to be who are so almost fanatically concerned about tac vests and thigh rigs the likelihood something is going to happen is higher. One idiot who wants to be an A-hole and push the envelope and challenge an officer on his knowledge of the laws in a Walmart parking lot is all its going to take. Heck, it happens without all this OC fanatic nonsense as can be seen all over youtube.

Will it happen? Maybe not, but why risk it when I can just do my weekly shopping on October 30?

This might be the only year Halloween is a two day event.


Special Hen
May 15, 2009
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It will depend on where you live. If you live in the metro, be prepared to be harassed. Even after years this has passed, there will be certain times and places that will almost guarantee that you will be harassed. If there's a public event like a parade or art festival, you're going to be lucky to take 2 steps near it without being harassed and even then you may be asked to leave and/or be arrested. If you live in historically crime prone areas or areas with a strong gang presence, open carry will most likely end up with you being disarmed, cuffed, and investigated before you're "clear to go." Such will be the reality when living in the city.
Now if you live on the outskirts of the metro, then you probably won't ever get harassed more than the occassional "Sir, may I please see your CCL."

Then dont wear your firearm out in the open around a mass of people. LE will act upon the calls of concerned citizens. Thats not harassment, thats asking to get your permit checked.

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