Get your Flu/TDAP Shots people!

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Special Hen
Jul 29, 2013
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I have to ring in on this one. Late January of last year I was diagnosed with Whooping Cough (TDAP shot for this) and was quarantined to my bedroom for a week. Believe me when I say I didn't want to be anywhere else. After a week of antibiotics you are no longer contagious but for a month I would come home from work, eat dinner, throw up and then go to bed. For over 2 months I would cough so much I would still throw up after every meal. I was coughing so hard I pulled my rib cage a couple of times and even pulled a muscle in back once. This was the sickest I'd ever been in my 47 years of life. I can see why the elderly and young kids die of this because it's bad. Worse then you can imagine. I tried many prescription cough syrups but the cough was still there. The cough finally went away after about 6 months but my voice is now permanently damaged. After having a cough for that long I now sound like Merle on The Walking Dead

A lot of people don't get the flu shot and never get the flu. Whooping Cough is the flu 10x. My wife is one of those who never gets the flu shot never catches it but heed my warning. Get the TDAP shot because if you get Whooping Cough you will wish you did.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I'm still alive!!!! : )

Besides this year, four years ago was the last flu shot I got. That year I didn't get sick at all. NONE! The next year, I didn't get one and did ok, this last year I didn't get one and holycrap, I was sick several times....thought I was making a career out of it. This year I got the vaccine.

My situation is, I work in a VERY BUSY building and there are a bazillion people in there that have been all over the world recently and many, many of the folks in that building are always hovering around coughing, sneezing, hacking, etc..etc..etc.. all day long. It's like a breeding ground for the Andromeda strain and it sucks. I mean it seems like everyone is ALWAYS sick.

So, short of getting a bubble (LOL) I figure the flu shot is the lesser of 14,729 evils. : )

now....I've been sick, run over by a car, been shot, fell off a barn, had several many broken bones, been cut, re-cut, folded, stapled, spindled and mutilated and the worst I EVER felt was after contracting ecoli from spinach in a salad! That was hell!

Moral to that story is: eatin' healthy damn near did me in....and I've NEVER had a cheeseburger or a pecan pie try to kill me!!! : )
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
You know, even though I take the vaccine, I don't have a problem with those who don't. I tend to believe that whatever choice a person makes, it is one they have researched enough to make themselves comfortable with the choice they've made, given their circumstances.

It never ceases to amaze me how either side seems to think that it is okay to tell the other side they are "crazy" and "uninformed" ... :nolike: Those of you who are calling each other "crazy" and "uninformed" and "stupid", etc. need to take a long hard look in the mirror. This issue, like many, many others in life, is not as cut and dried as any of you folks out there bound and determined to only see your side as the "right" side want the rest of us to think it is ... If you did as much honest, open-minded UNBIASED research as you'd like for the rest of us to think you do, you'd have realized that already ...

Go back and take a look who first said crazy and what side of the issue they were on...I know you are attempting to be in the middle but vaccines are forced on people in other states and other countries like cattle...people who have researched and do not want to take vaccines themselves are not trying to force their will on anyone and are only being forced to defend themselves. I respect your position that you do not have a problem with those who do not take the shot...but that is the NORMAL position. Many of these so-called conservatives in this forum would force vaccinate your babies like piglets if they could...they are rabid to dominate their fellow man in the name of "the greater good".

I'm still lawl'ing at the crazies!

"If you won't take the flu shot, you are a crazy" sounds a lot like "If you own guns then you must be a racist"...

doctor I am saddened that a man of your education level would resort to insults rather than have an academic debate and review the claims from the opposing side of the issue. Do you tell your patients that statins are good for their livers too?


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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KOTV just reported that the current flu strain is reportedly affecting young fat people more than any other group. I'd say to help protect themselves in the future, they should see their doctor about a prescription of Fen-phen.

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