Lessons from Sandy Hook Shooting

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Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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John Farnam's take on it:

EVACUATE, don't "lock down" and wait to be shot
14 Dec 12

CT School Shooting this morning:

A quotation from a local teacher and mother:

"What on earth is it going to take for someone to start training and arming teachers, so they have some chance in hell of protecting our babies, and themselves?"

I can't put it better!

We're just now beginning to hear requiem screeches from leftist politicians (all, themselves, heavily armed) about guns and how none of us mere peons should be able to own one. As always, they want to punish everyone who didn 't commit a crime!

Unhappily, real issues will be buried. The real issues are (1) the faulty, but universal, policy of "lock-downs." and (2) "gun-free" zones.

As a "standard" response to a security emergency, locking children (or any group) into classrooms and other small areas, is tantamount to herding them into coffins, as we saw this morning! My personal response to any " lock-down" command is to vacate the area immediately, as fast as I can, any way I can, and I don't care who likes it! "Lock-downs" represent a fatally-flawed convention. Israelis, experts on the subject, have known this for years.

"Gun-free" schools are better entitled "criminal-empowerment zones." Nothing short of armed teachers and other school officials will adequately protect children in schools. There aren't enough police to go around, and disarming every good and honest citizen in the country won't keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals, as we daily see in Mexico and most of the Mid-East. Until teachers are armed and trained, no school will be safe.

Someone has to be continually on the spot- (1) able, (2) ready, (3) willing, and (4) in a position, to protect these children!

Armed, on-site guards are essential:
"Safety protocols," and "security systems," when they don't include meaningful backup, represent little more than naive self-deception.

It is the same delusional thinking that causes the gullible to place way too much faith in "gated communities," and electronic security systems. All this has some value, but none of it will ever significantly dissuade a determined and evil intruder, as we see.

Such evil men can only be affirmatively and unconditionedly repelled with gunfire. Nothing less will be effective. And, when good people, already on the scene, are not able, prepared, willing, and trained to deliver precision gunfire at the critical moment, everything else is just idle conversation!

When the idea of arming commercial pilots was first broached, it was predictably greeted by the liberal press as crazy and criminal. Now, it is an accepted practice, and there have been precious few negative issues associated with it. It serves, every single day, as a powerful deterrent. Do you recall any media pundits now sheepishly admitting they were wrong?

When my courageous colleague, and friend, Mas Ayoob, first suggested a similar system be instituted, on a voluntary basis, with teachers, the press treated him the same way. They still so!

Gun-haters in our culture are so blind, so arrogant, so devoted to their false gods, they would rather see the situation continue than admit they're wrong. These are the same people who predictably, vehemently opposed all " shall-issue" state concealed-carry laws that we now take for granted. Over and over, they oh-so-sanctimoniously predicted "gratuitous gunfights in the streets." When proven wrong (over and over!), they suddenly develop amnesia!

We'll now all need great courage to withstand predictable assaults on our rights as Americans, with the liberal media leading the way.

Private school guarded by AR-toting parents in each classroom:
School Solution, from a friend on the East Coast:

"We are a Jewish family, and all our minor children attend a Jewish elementary school. The school itself does its best to maintain a low profile, but, due to its academic excellence, its appearance and location are well known in the area.

We Jews, whether in Israel or here, are acutely aware of the continuing threat to us and our children, no matter where we live. It is not paranoia, as I'm not talking about 'imagined' threats, am I?

Because of our community's ability to accurately comprehend threats and threat-levels, we have elected not to do what is currently common in this civilization: (1) pretend threats don't exist, and (2) wager our lives on police arriving sometime before the last shot is fired.

So, this is what we've all agreed upon and instituted:

Each father, including me, is on a mandatory, rotating duty-schedule. Each of us is thus 'on-duty' several days each month, all day. Yes, we have to take days off from work. We are posted in the back of each classroom, visibly armed with both an AR and a pistol. All our weapons are constantly loaded and ready, and can be plainly seen as such. Each child thus knows and understands that there is always a father, their own or that of one of one of their schoolmates, there with them in the classroom all the time, and he is able, willing, and committed to defending them with his life.

We consider this system the only logical and effective solution to our security challenges.

Again, it is as low-profile as we can reasonably make it, and from the outside, a casual observer can't see any of this, but all of us, children, parents, teachers, and administrators know, and are thankful for, what we have put in place.

And, as you might say, we don't care who likes it!"
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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Each father, including me, is on a mandatory, rotating duty-schedule. Each of us is thus 'on-duty' several days each month, all day. Yes, we have to take days off from work. We are posted in the back of each classroom, visibly armed with both an AR and a pistol. All our weapons are constantly loaded and ready, and can be plainly seen as such. Each child thus knows and understands that there is always a father, their own or that of one of one of their schoolmates, there with them in the classroom all the time, and he is able, willing, and committed to defending them with his life.

We consider this system the only logical and effective solution to our security challenges.

I'm all for trained admin/teachers carrying concealed, but a rotating armed parent brigade, absolutely not.


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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I've wondered how a gunman can go classroom to classroom if there is a lock down. If they are going to lock down then the classrooms should be built to be locked down. Doors should take a battering ram to open and glass should be reinforced and barred if it is big enough for a person to fit through (especially if the glass leads into the hallway). New schools should be built and old ones redesigned with security in mind. And I think a lot of it could be done on a somewhat modest budget. At least more modest than a lot of schools spend building new gyms or football stadiums and such.

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