Occipital Cellulitis

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Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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I don’t recall the specific variant, but I had cellulitis in my leg a few years ago. I busted the fire out of my shin getting out of the cab of a tractor; after a couple of days my shin was black and blue and I couldn’t even sit still without swearing like a sailor, so I got my mom to come pick me up and take me to my doctor (there was no way in hell I could’ve driven myself by that time). He looked at it and said it was probably just a bad bruise, but he recommended that I go over to Norman Regional’s ER where they had the equipment to make sure it wasn’t a blood clot.

They did an ultrasound and some testing, and it turned out that it was just a bad bruise and an infection. This very pleasant, nice sounding, yet undeniably evil woman in a nursing outfit shot me in the butt cheek with what felt like a turkey basting needle, then made me roll over so she could shoot me in the other butt cheek with that same evil needle. Then she gave me a prescription for a Z-pack (IIRC) and sent me home.

About a week later, I was good as new. Well, more or less.

I hope it works out as well for you, less the evil woman with the giant needle.

Oh yeah -- I got the turkey baster treatment in my ass, too ... But I only got one! Thank goodness! I dunno what was in that syringe but I'm pretty sure it was chemically in the same class as gasoline. 😱


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Maybe you need some eye bleach from our local eye bleach supplier???

Do you treat both eyes to prevent the other from contracting it also?

No, they said to just treat the one eye ... No matter ... If I'm not MARKEDLY better by Monday morning I'm going to the ER. And if I get any worse than I am right now (took a pic so I can show ER I'm not just looking for attention) I'm going to the ER. Honestly, if Scott had been home I would have gone to ER this afternoon. But he wasn't and the Urgent Care is like 2-3 blocks from the house. I have NO depth perception right now so I'm not really comfortable driving in traffic right now.


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Special Hen Banned Supporter
Aug 13, 2016
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No, they said to just treat the one eye ... No matter ... If I'm not MARKEDLY better by Monday morning I'm going to the ER. And if I get any worse than I am right now (took a pic so I can show ER I'm not just looking for attention) I'm going to the ER. Honestly, if Scott had been home I would have gone to ER this afternoon. But he wasn't and the Urgent Care is like 2-3 blocks from the house. I have NO depth perception right now so I'm not really comfortable driving in traffic right now.
Keep an eye on it (no pun intended). Bacterial infections that move that fast are not messing around. Any increase in pain, fever, or malaise, get to the ER. They should have kept you in there for an overnight if they had to give you IV or IM antibiotics. Staph doesn't screw around and it can go anywhere. Take your meds they gave you regularly and don't ever skip doses of antibiotics.


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
I wish I knew! Lol She's been kinda rough on me the last few years -- oh who am I kidding -- I'm a walking trainwreck! Haha! I tell you who I feel bad for -- Grumpy that's who! Bless his heart! I'm pretty sure he's rethought whole "thru sickness and in health" thing SEVERAL times over the years. 😉
I can relate. With Grumpy. ;)


Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
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Oh please do! That's mostly why I shared here. I'm not easily shaken by medical ****. In fact, I was laughing and cracking jokes with the ER personnel after my tree adventure, and the ambulance guys said they would KILL to have all their transports be as understanding as I was. But this has gotten my attention. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't taking it VERY seriously.
If I give you sympathy it might provide a millisecond of feel good. If I give you honesty it'll make you better. You work in the public and handle money. The dirtiest and nastiest thing a person comes into contact with. Google what can found on a dollar. Wasn't long ago that I told a young lady, keep your hands away from your face. She thanked me another day.
I'd feel safer touching my face after cleaning the brooder than touching anything the public uses. I'd smear a cow Patty on my face before touching my face after a public outing. The busy seasons coming, you best get healed and keep your hands off your face. 😉😉


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Ok so an update. This morning I looked (and felt) way worse than yesterday so off to the ER we go. I was not impressed with the PA but ... After poking around a little, she told me to come back if I got worse I might come back -- but she didn't see anything she could do for me. 🙄 Bottom line is I now have a sinus headache on top of my migraine (she had difficulty comprehending that someone other than a professional could tell the difference 🙄🙄), swelling and redness down my cheek under my eye and up to my eyebrow that was not there yesterday, and my eyeball itself is "somewhat" swollen and a horrible sore throat. Like someone else here, she mentioned staph.

So ... Tomorrow I'm off to the PC to find an ENT specialist. Honestly, as much as I do NOT want to do it I think my tonsils may need to come out because all this was precipitated by a bad sore throat, swollen tonsils and lymph glands and a fever and flu-like fatigue Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this last week. What a mess ...

Y'all keep a decent thought for me. Hopefully another couple days on all these antibiotics will make a difference. I'm gonna go stick an ice pack on my face and take a nap. Whew ... And keep your hands in your pockets and away from your face! (Although I'm starting to think it was my rotten tonsils that started this adventure. Still ... Can't be too careful -- especially if you handle money, like a few of you have mentioned already. 😉😘)


Special Hen
Nov 25, 2020
Reaction score
Ok so an update. This morning I looked (and felt) way worse than yesterday so off to the ER we go. I was not impressed with the PA but ... After poking around a little, she told me to come back if I got worse I might come back -- but she didn't see anything she could do for me. 🙄 Bottom line is I now have a sinus headache on top of my migraine (she had difficulty comprehending that someone other than a professional could tell the difference 🙄🙄), swelling and redness down my cheek under my eye and up to my eyebrow that was not there yesterday, and my eyeball itself is "somewhat" swollen and a horrible sore throat. Like someone else here, she mentioned staph.

So ... Tomorrow I'm off to the PC to find an ENT specialist. Honestly, as much as I do NOT want to do it I think my tonsils may need to come out because all this was precipitated by a bad sore throat, swollen tonsils and lymph glands and a fever and flu-like fatigue Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this last week. What a mess ...

Y'all keep a decent thought for me. Hopefully another couple days on all these antibiotics will make a difference. I'm gonna go stick an ice pack on my face and take a nap. Whew ... And keep your hands in your pockets and away from your face! (Although I'm starting to think it was my rotten tonsils that started this adventure. Still ... Can't be too careful -- especially if you handle money, like a few of you have mentioned already. 😉😘)
very sorry get well soon!

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