OKay ... I can't find the thread ...

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
so sue me ... but I have a question ...

I started that juicing thing about 2, 3 months ago. Didn't lose like everyone said I would but I did lose weight pretty consistently -- about 15 pounds in 6 weeks IIRC.

THEN I kinda fell off the wagon for a couple of weeks. Didn't gain any weight back (that's a good thing). Anyway, I started back on it on Sunday and I've dropped 7, almost 8 pounds in 4 days. I need to lose the weight ... no doubt about that ... but this is a bit too fast for my tastes ... (I know ... no pleasing a girl ).

I am so confused as to why I didn't lose this fast the first time and now it's falling off me like no tomorrow.

Can some of you medical types give me a clue as to what's going on?


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
What's this juice thing? I'm going out of town and wouldn't mind dropping a few pounds before I go.(Gotta impress those California girls)


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Well, I'm kinda doing a hybrid of the jucing and "Eat to Live" thing because I don't think it's good to get rid of all the fiber in your diet but basically you only eat whole, unprocessed fruits and veggies with a handful or two of raw nuts (walnuts are my fav) and a cup or two of beans a day (yummmmmy ... hummus).

Guys always lose weight faster than girls (danggit) but I'm not exercising -- it kills my neck. I just don't know why I didn't lose but 2 pounds the first couple of weeks last time and it's literally dropping off me this time.

I gotta take GC to the dentist ... BRB lol

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Two things, BB.

1. Exercising doesn't necessarily have to be hittin' irons and squat thrusts. Walk a few laps around your neighborhood.

2. Skip the search function found at the top of the site. If you ever need to search for something, go to Google and type "[whatever] okshooters". In this case, doing a search for "juice okshooters" brings up the thread as the first result. Works much better than the in-house search tool.


Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
I will post the link to the other thread in a minute. A lot of things can affect what you are talking about. Sugar levels, what state of metaboloc rate you are in ie ketosis vs ketoacidosis if I remember. One state your body is burning fat, the other stores fat. Basically your body was burning the glucose you took in, maintaining your weight, probably from already high blood glucose. Now, you are in Ketosis, where your body is burning the glucose you have stored as fat. Hormone levels, all kinds of things affect it. I kinda went through the same thing. I plateaued, maybe gained a pound or two, hard to tell with water weight. I did slack off for like a week or so on the juice thing. Now I got back into it, as my allergies, energy, skin everything was affected. My face just felt oily again, after having cleared up, my back would itch and feel as if it were on fire due to a histamine problem, etc. Now I am back to feeling good, and the weight is falling off again, like a pound a day. Not sure how to stop the weight loss though, never been a goal of mine. Maybe up carbs and protein? Add some seafood?


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Get the nitrous! WEEE!

LOL ... no nitrous but he did get a couple of oxycontin ... He's feeling no pain right now ... God love him he is such a lightweight! haha!

Two things, BB.

1. Exercising doesn't necessarily have to be hittin' irons and squat thrusts. Walk a few laps around your neighborhood.

2. Skip the search function found at the top of the site. If you ever need to search for something, go to Google and type "[whatever] okshooters". In this case, doing a search for "juice okshooters" brings up the thread as the first result. Works much better than the in-house search tool.

1. I mean NO EXERCISE ... I can't get through light housework without taking muscle relaxants and/or pain meds. Any movement at all just sets it off like firecrackers. Got an appt. with ANOTHER neurologist coming up soon. Maybe he can figure something out ... blah!

2. OK ... cool ... I didn't think of that!

I will post the link to the other thread in a minute. A lot of things can affect what you are talking about. Sugar levels, what state of metaboloc rate you are in ie ketosis vs ketoacidosis if I remember. One state your body is burning fat, the other stores fat. Basically your body was burning the glucose you took in, maintaining your weight, probably from already high blood glucose. Now, you are in Ketosis, where your body is burning the glucose you have stored as fat. Hormone levels, all kinds of things affect it. I kinda went through the same thing. I plateaued, maybe gained a pound or two, hard to tell with water weight. I did slack off for like a week or so on the juice thing. Now I got back into it, as my allergies, energy, skin everything was affected. My face just felt oily again, after having cleared up, my back would itch and feel as if it were on fire due to a histamine problem, etc. Now I am back to feeling good, and the weight is falling off again, like a pound a day. Not sure how to stop the weight loss though, never been a goal of mine. Maybe up carbs and protein? Add some seafood?

I'm not necessarily wanting to stop it ... yet ... Just surprised that I started dropping weight so quick and so fast given my history of having to fight for every pound off like it was 20 ... blah! However, it might be a hormonal thing as I'm not having the same problems now that I was having a couple of months ago. (Yes, GC is ever so grateful! LOL)

what kind of juicer did you get? what recipes do you have?

No juicer ... I'm doing smoothies in the blender because I think the fiber needs to stay. My favorite one right now is baby spinach, a banana and a handful of strawberries with some flaxseed thrown in. And I add a handful of nuts on the side. Use just enough cold water to make it smooth. I can hardly finish off the glass it makes me so full. AND I don't get hungry again for 6 or 7 hours. I'm typically eating 2 meals a day when I'm on this thing because I am just not hungry.

I wish I could get GC to give it a try ...

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