The students are mostly morons but the professors are usually not that smart.Yes, our Universities have long been a source for common sense. College campuses are filled with professors and students alike that know what's best for society.
The students are mostly morons but the professors are usually not that smart.Yes, our Universities have long been a source for common sense. College campuses are filled with professors and students alike that know what's best for society.
Take care not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.....there 's a lot of good in our colleges and universities outside of the leftist dominated disciplines......we might want to keep producing doctors and nurses and engineers etc.
Our company goes above and beyond what the city dicktates. The panic is full-on here, and oddly enough, people still get the Wuhan.
I've seen several businesses that have the "Mandated" sign out front, yet no one wears a mask, patrons or employees. Others have completely bought into it and won't let you in without that magic piece of cloth over your mouth.
Generally speaking that should still hold true, given how efficient we have been told they are at stopping the virus. However, what's interesting is that the "rules" have been in place for quite a few months, and the numbers never went down significantly, then we have had a significant spike. This was before Tulsa Schools when in person too. So there are some other variables at play it seems. Don't think anything will stop it or slow it much either, outside another lockdown or a vaccine.
Universities are looking smart.....before the semester even began they planned to have students stay at home after Thanksgiving break.
Mandates only work when enforced. That is true whether it's for one county or an entire state.
My point was that people currently can live outside a mandate and bring it with them to places with mandates and still infect people (with work being one location if there are mask exceptions, which was my question).