Coffee Consumption

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How much coffee do you consume per day?

  • >2 pots

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • 1-2 pots

    Votes: 15 8.7%
  • 5+ cups

    Votes: 28 16.2%
  • 2-4 cups

    Votes: 72 41.6%
  • 1 cup

    Votes: 14 8.1%
  • <1 cup

    Votes: 11 6.4%
  • none

    Votes: 31 17.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Special Hen
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Part time Vegas, Galveston, Oklahoma
Must have 6-8 cups every day..if not Cohiba go angry, tear up house and car, cause big problems.

So, I have at least 6-8, cups every day. In the Fall and Winter months I'll take a thermos to 6-8 + a thermos.

It must be Starbucks. ..Komodo Dragon or Sumatra. Not that I'm a generation x, y, z, or a yuppie, or a whatever the hipsters are called this year.

I truly love those two's like meth to an addict...must Yes, I brew it at home, I don't have to hang out amd be a hipster at Starbucks..just their coffee.

Sure, if I found another brand, flavor, or whatever else..I'd drink it. So far, there are no substitutes.

Yes, I b!tch about it when I have to drink other types of coffee. So much wife puts her hands on her ears and starts blabbing.."La, la, la, la, la, la, la" every time I complain about my "substitute" coffee.

Will I turn down a cup of coffe..heck no!! Will I purchase other cups..when we travel and I can't find what I want..yes.

I guess it's like a smoker with their favorite brand of cigarettes..they want what they want..they like what they like.

I do have an internal clock..11:30 a.m...done, finished, no more..period.

Coffee, I had a buddy from Ireland (think he was a reformed alcoholic)...he drank coffee amd smoked cigarettes 24-7. In Houston during the Summer months..this guy had a couple of handkerchiefs he'd use.

Drink the coffee, puff on cigarett, wipe sweat off forehead.

Forgot to mention..NOTHING SWEET..about my sugar, no nothing. Once in a while cream..just to knock off the heat when I can't put a few cubes of ice in it. NOT ice coffee..just warm and coffee.

The ONLY sweet coffee drink..if you call it in the Fall and Winter months. Pumpkin spice latte, I usually drink this when I have to drive my wife and mother-inlaw around neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights.

My wife is an ice white mocha, with whip cream addict..from Starbucks. I bought her a Starbucks..Verisimo...machine so now she makes them at home. She orders the white syrup and buys the pods from Starbucks store and internet. I would never drink that sugary a drink!!

I pitch a pretty good fit when the waiter or drive through accidently gives me ice tea with sugar...AWE H@LL NO!!!

Tea with sugar or Old Spice...I'd drink Old Spice. I hate ice tea with sugar...don't even get me started about the fit I throw if someone slips instant tea on me....LOOK OUT!!!

I likes what I likes...pretty simple.

I think I'll try some of Todd Carmichael's coffee...the guy on the TV show..Dangerous Grounds.

Little hesitant, hate to waste money in coffee I may not like.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Starbucks and the phrase "good stuff" do NOT belong in the same sentence ... unless "good stuff" is immediately proceeded by "NOT" ... :puke:

I'm on a cold brewing kick right now ... all the coffee goodness without the acidity (which makes my tummy VERY unhappy :() with the added bonus that it doesn't go stale ... so I can have 1 or 20 cups and it's all good to the last drop! :)

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