Sad day for OU

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uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Not. Soldiers. Students.

Some are both; I was, can we get a waver for them?

Yeah, that's sort of where I was headed with the "50 people running around" comment. If everyone was mature and responsible at my age and wouldn't try to be a hero, I would be a little more comfortable with it. But let me tell you guys first hand, the people I know on campus that have SDA's are the last people I want having a gun in a high stress situation. There are older people on campus sure, but mostly they are early twenty somethings with an ego... the size of mine that would all love to be heroes. And they are just the ones I know of. But I digress, there are tons of hypothetical scenarios, some having it beneficial, some having it not beneficial to carry on campus. Who is to say which is more likely to happen?
Like I said originally, no system is perfect. But I would rather not see a classmate mistakenly get shot by a PO or another vigilante because he was trying to be a hero.

Cant say I disagree with your logic. The responsibility that comes with carrying a firearm is great, Im just not ready to claim that all these young students are unworthy.
As for your last sentence, who could argue against that? However, the flip side of that coin is a dependance on others for your own safety. That isnt a price I am willing to pay.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2011
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Some are both; I was, can we get a waver for them?

Cant say I disagree with your logic. The responsibility that comes with carrying a firearm is great, Im just not ready to claim that all these young students are unworthy.
As for your last sentence, who could argue against that? However, the flip side of that coin is a dependance on others for your own safety. That isnt a price I am willing to pay.

Yeah, it's a sucky situation no matter how you slice it unfortunately.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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It's not bigotry, it's fact. Uber-liberal homosexuals are some of the most anti-gun people there are - even worse than Bloomberg, Soros and the Bradys. Now moderate or conservative homosexuals - that's a different story.

Unless you've had personal experience, how do you know he is gay? He has a wife and children. Have a little respect.

Super Dave

Special Hen
Jul 26, 2009
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Some are both; I was, can we get a waver for them?

You were, but see, I wasn't. I could have easily done something stupid like run around campus with my pistol. I was wild, and stupid.

Obviously there is no waiver for 21 year olds that are trained and qualified, or teachers for that matter, but the fact is, as josh s put it (who actually goes there, unlike us older guys) that most of the 21 year old males that he knows, that are gun guys, could go the video game hero route pretty easily.

Perhaps some sort of extra something that involved assessment and training could be tacked on to a CCW, not unlike a commercial driver's license.

Commander Keen

Special Hen
Oct 2, 2009
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I agree with President Boren. In a situation like the one that just happened, the last thing you need is non-uniformed people running around with guns drawn. It's a good way for someone (not the bad guy(s)) to get killed.
As Josh_S said above "Our SDA permits are for our and our families protection, not to save the world. That is what the guys and gals with badges get paid to do."
I think that OU handled it acceptably, and I'm glad it turned out the way it did.

Why would someone with a ccw be "running around with guns drawn"?

If the shooter is in your immediate vicinity, take him out if you have a good opportunity, or find cover if you don't have an opportunity. If he's not coming near your location, there's certainly no reason to go rushing in to a situation in which you are most likely outgunned and could be mistaken for a bad guy by responding law enforcement.

It seems to me that you, Rick, and Boren would be fine with people being killed while waiting for police just because you don't like the possibility of someone with good intentions getting a little carried away in addressing the situation.


Special Hen
Sep 28, 2008
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Who said there would be 50 people running around with guns drawn? If there is a shooter in the area, the last thing I'm going to do is "run around". And my firearm wouldn't leave the holster until I was actually presented with a threat. That argument is just a shade lighter than the "blood in the streets" argument that was made before concealed carry passed, and it's just as weak-sauce. I'd be barricaded in my classroom with the rest of my classmates, with my pistol ready to perform it's function...

Lol. No kidding. Geezus.

Booze is banned on campus too, ya know....


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I'm going with the armed student scenario.

Its pretty indicative of some to say that they think wanna-be hero's are going to be running all over the campus to be a hero, because they have reached some level on a shooting video game, and think that relates to what happens in a real shooting situation.

What really happens, is they suck their underwear up into their ass, and they take cover like everybody else. With any luck at all, nobody else will know they even have a gun until the shooter comes into the room.

Proof of my statement is that when there is a mall shooting, 21 year olds don't go running towards the shooter screaming I'M A GUN OWNER AND A HERO!

They do like everybody else. Take cover and try to get away.

THIS is what will really happen if students have guns.

Boren can pound sand.

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