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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
I always wondered why older people act so cranky. Now that I’m older, I understand. Life changes, things speed up, values and morals completely change. It’s hard to accept. Our world is constantly evolving, for both the good and bad. Every generation is so different. It’s almost like being on an episode of Star Trek with a bunch of alien creatures.


...I can't recall anyone from my teen years that acted in any way other than respectful around their previous generations.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Quess since i was raised in the country and would never think of doing something like that as a kid didnt see it til later in life, we done some stupid stuff as a kid but it wasnt out in public when we done it. And if they cant be man enough to walk up and say hello and hold hand out for a hand shake and usually only does the hand shake on interductions then i dont bother, not into the high five or fist bumps or any other the other things they do now days.

OK Corgi Rancher

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I had a little confrontation with a teenager in a Norman McDonald's a few weeks ago. Just one of those times when an inconsiderate person just pushes the wrong button.

It was pretty busy and I was about 5 or 6 people deep in line waiting to order. There was a kid in front of me wearing a hoodie (despite the fact it was 75-ish degs outside) and the hood was cinched up around his face like Kenny from South Park. Judging by the 60s vintage beatnik style beard and John Lennon glasses he was very late teens to early 20s.

5 to 7 mins or so and Kenny gets up to the cashier (a nice lady probably in her 50s) who asks him what he'd like. His face is buried in his phone and he actually says, "Hang on...I gotta write this text." That pissed me off. But, it actually only took him a few seconds. Then he looks up at the menu and says, "I'm not sure what I want." That really pissed me off. It's McDonald's, it's not complicated, and you've had 10 minutes to figure this **** out.

So I said, much louder than I intended, "FFS, dude. You've been in line for 10 mins. If you don't know what you want get the f*** outta my way because I do." He replies, "You better back up old man." Now this kid was all of maybe 5' 5" and about a buck-ten...with his clothes and backpack on. I pretty much let him know he was in serious danger of having his ass kicked by the old man and we exchanged a few more words. The manager came out and told me I needed to keep my voice down and calm down or he'd ask me to leave. I was out of line, no question. Like I said...little Kenny just pushed the wrong button. I despise inconsiderate people.

Anyway, the manager took his order and the original cashier lady took my order and there was no ass-kicking on the menu. When my order came up she gave it to me and said in a quiet voice, "Thanks for saying that to him. He comes in everyday after class (from some college) and acts this way. I put a few cookies in your bag, too."


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Norman, Oklahoma
I had a little confrontation with a teenager in a Norman McDonald's a few weeks ago. Just one of those times when an inconsiderate person just pushes the wrong button.

It was pretty busy and I was about 5 or 6 people deep in line waiting to order. There was a kid in front of me wearing a hoodie (despite the fact it was 75-ish degs outside) and the hood was cinched up around his face like Kenny from South Park. Judging by the 60s vintage beatnik style beard and John Lennon glasses he was very late teens to early 20s.

5 to 7 mins or so and Kenny gets up to the cashier (a nice lady probably in her 50s) who asks him what he'd like. His face is buried in his phone and he actually says, "Hang on...I gotta write this text." That pissed me off. But, it actually only took him a few seconds. Then he looks up at the menu and says, "I'm not sure what I want." That really pissed me off. It's McDonald's, it's not complicated, and you've had 10 minutes to figure this **** out.

So I said, much louder than I intended, "FFS, dude. You've been in line for 10 mins. If you don't know what you want get the f*** outta my way because I do." He replies, "You better back up old man." Now this kid was all of maybe 5' 5" and about a buck-ten...with his clothes and backpack on. I pretty much let him know he was in serious danger of having his ass kicked by the old man and we exchanged a few more words. The manager came out and told me I needed to keep my voice down and calm down or he'd ask me to leave. I was out of line, no question. Like I said...little Kenny just pushed the wrong button. I despise inconsiderate people.

Anyway, the manager took his order and the original cashier lady took my order and there was no ass-kicking on the menu. When my order came up she gave it to me and said in a quiet voice, "Thanks for saying that to him. He comes in everyday after class (from some college) and acts this way. I put a few cookies in your bag, too."
That’s why I don’t go out much anymore. LOL. I have such a hard time tolerating stupid people. I don’t even like going through the drive thru with my family if they don’t know what they want upfront. It’s not like we’ve never been there before.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
That’s why I don’t go out much anymore. LOL. I have such a hard time tolerating stupid people. I don’t even like going through the drive thru with my family if they don’t know what they want upfront. It’s not like we’ve never been there before.
I go inside because I cannot understand them at the kiosk and they always get my order wrong anyway so what is the use? When I'm inside, I can watch them and make sure no "special sauce" is added and I can check my order right there at the counter.

Screw the new McDonalds and their Kiosk ordering inside too.
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Special Hen
Aug 8, 2013
Reaction score
I've found the required icons for this thread.

Y'all are some grumpy ol' farts. 😁 😁
old man.jpg
get off my lawn.png

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