What do you think constitutes "disability"?

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
You have my prayers on everything, but that SSI is your money, assuming you've been paying your FICA like a good little Bundist. My brother is on SSI, and it has reduced my dad's Social Security benefits, because it's coming out of his SSA "account." (He paid a metric boatload of FICA in the 40+ years he was in the workforce, so he doesn't feel a bit guilty about getting some of it back.)

Yep ...


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
The problem with disability is if you go back to work
1, its hard to get back on
2, they figure your benefit based on what you were making while you were disabled if you have to go back on it.

I did a little looking around here: http://www.ssa.gov/disabilityresearch/workincentives.htm

and found that there is an incentive to work program in place, that you can actually work and retain your disability payments, and there are several different and varying to get training/re-training and still maintain your disability payments for several YEARS or until you are sure you can return to work full time ...

Don't take my word for it ... there's a WHOLE website out there to tell you EXACTLY what you are and are not entitled to and how anyone who is on disability and thinks they might be able to go back to work can get help to do just that.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I did a little looking around here: http://www.ssa.gov/disabilityresearch/workincentives.htm

and found that there is an incentive to work program in place, that you can actually work and retain your disability payments, and there are several different and varying to get training/re-training and still maintain your disability payments for several YEARS or until you are sure you can return to work full time ...

Don't take my word for it ... there's a WHOLE website out there to tell you EXACTLY what you are and are not entitled to and how anyone who is on disability and thinks they might be able to go back to work can get help to do just that.

Which begs the point about how many could... but won't?


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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There are two funny things to me,
1) When I was in the medical equipment business most of the people I dealt with that were really disabled would have liked nothing better then to get a real job and work for a living.
2) For those who PMed me saying I need to get on disability, my doc is an old former military doc, when I am in a coffin he might say that I am unable to work but I would not bet on it. :D :D

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bristow, OK
Ok, I think I got it uploaded. If anyone wants to check it out, you're welcome to do so.

Here's the link.

Like I said... not looking to fuel an uproar or anything, just looking to spur some discussion.

Good read. IMO, the only one with any justification to be "helped out" is the small engine mechanic. Yeah, he seems on the lazy side but if he is truly mentally deficient then he should met some help of some kind.

The other three have made poor life decisions and deserve absolutely no govt assistance. They are a drag on the economy and I personally have no sympathy for such people.


Special Hen
Jul 9, 2005
Reaction score
Grady Co., OK
tRidiot- Good illustration of your daily dose of frustrating frequent fliers. They're everywhere, but (As you're well aware) tend to drift to smaller towns and inner city/ economically depressed areas. "Downward drift" describes the phenomena and brings the connection to various forms of mental illness and drug/alcohol abuse, which makes the potential outcome of physical problems worse.

Ultimately, there will never be a single solution to social welfare misuse and abuse. I like the concept of drug screen rule for ALL welfare recipients and revoking of benefits for felony convictions, but doubt it'll ever really happen and stand the test of attorney attacks.

I also support the concept of reducing the total volume of opiate and benzodiazepine precribing/ dispensing, but not by the State/ Fed. It needs to be controlled by senior Physicians, before it ends up in the hands of the State Med Board, OBNDD, DEA or local cops. That way, when Dr. X has an appoinment book full of med refills and likes to hook young patients on oxycodone, methadone, Xanax or whatever, a group of peers could ***** slap him/her into more constructive prescribing practices.... Before yet another patient dies or profits off the sale of her monthly #60 OxyContin 80mg, #180 Lortab 10's, #90 Xanax 2mg bars and #120 Soma tablets (That's an easy $1000 or more in street value or trade for meth).

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