WTH… can people be really this stupid? It’s got to be a joke🤣

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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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We had a 4 party line for a while. Old German lady across the street was on the line. She had a habit of listening in on other's calls.

My brother was talking to our cousin, heard the click of the line pick up and no hang up. Brother starts telling cousin how we had set snares and were catching the old bat's cats, to bring his pellet gun and have some fun.

There was a scream and the phone slammed down. A few minutes and pounding on the front door. Dad goes to door and she is screaming her poor cats, his evil kids, shooting guns in town, cops on the way, Yada Yada Yada. Dad asked wth was she ranting about? She SAYS she was listening in and heard what we were doing.
He starts laughing and tells her to stop listening in.
Cop arrives, Dad knew every cop in town, tells him the situation. Cop is laughing, Dad brings him in, sees we are in den watching TV, goes out back and finds no cats or snares. Laughing, Cop takes old bat home.

I found out years later, couple weeks go by, Dad is on phone, with a co-worker that knew of the cat situation; they hear the click and no hang up, TV noise in the background. They start talking about the sex party coming up on Saturday night. They can hear gasps, everytime time which "game" was scheduled.

It was 2 years before the party line went away. We never heard the line pick up, again. The neighbors did mention some outrageous things the old bat had said. Dad would laugh and tell them about the shenanigans. Mom was not amused.

There was a younger couple moved in, next door. The wife (26) was very good looking. (13 yo notices) The old bat went over to meet them, not long after seeing Dad and Mom leave.

The next day, Dad is outside and new neighbor walks over, laughing. Tells about the old bat warning them of the devil possessed neighbor. He acts shocked and says they were invited to a big party on Saturday night. He and Dad are laughing hysterically and see the old bat peeking out her window at them.

She moved to rest home not long after.

There was one couple in the neighborhood for a short period, came over and asked about how to get an invite. Dad about choked and had to explain the whole ordeal.

Good old days, about 20 houses on that long block and everybody knew every neighbor. It was a fun place.
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