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Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
Was at a 7/11 in OKC on Tuesday and parked my car. A person pulled up and parked next to me after I pulled in. I was finishing off a phone call then got out of my car. A scruffy sweaty looking guy was sitting in the car with his windows down and said, "nice car."

I looked into his car and fortunately could see his hands and that the car had plenty of garbage, er clothes, cooler and other items (one being a fishing rod) in the back seat. I said "thanks" and asked if he had been fishing, he responded back "yes a couple of days ago."

I responded "sounds like fun, gotta go fishing sometime myself, have a good day." That's when he asked for a few dollars. "I said sorry, can't help you out, no cash, hope you have a good day." He did say have a good day back to me, then left.

All during this conversation I was a bit concerned. He pulled in after me, also he struck up the conversation and referenced that he liked my car (which made me nervous on that account alone.) No weapon was visible in his hands or on his person. Did I handle this correctly? I was able to walk into the store with no incident, he drove away no incident.

BTW, I was carrying at that time.


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Feb 2, 2014
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Went to Lowes and WalMart today. While at Lowes on the plumbing aisle, we were approached by a teenager asking if we wanted to buy a Sonic gift card to support the Southmoore baseball team. Maybe he was legit, but I got scam vibes. Then as we were leaving Lowes, two people had a table set up in the breezeway for some non-profit and tried to engage me as I was leaving. While at Walmart, we saw a man in the parking lot who my wife thought had said something like "she's pretty" while he walked around aimlessly. When we got to the main doors of the store and turned around to look back, he was standing next to a woman who was loading items into her trunk. I thought he may have been with her, but she got into her car and he walked away.

I feel like every time I leave my house, I am watching everyone around me with a paranoid, guarded eye. I know this isn't New York or Chicago, but stories from there where even old people get sucker punched or robbed don't help. I don't trust anyone out there.

Damn dude, you need some yoga or some help. That is not living. Sure be protected, but you sound like you are way to stressed. That crap will kill ya! Get help, talk to someone and chill out! You ain’t in the Bronx or ?

I am the one that gets you that are nervous, the looks Ya’ll give off! People never approach me, never strikes a convo, a old, big, ugly and never smile I guess makes a guy a monster. LOL!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
I hate it when vagrant types approach me in parking lots. Especially if I'm with family. I usually hold up a hand and say 'Nope' if I see them approaching. I've only had one that kept coming, but he went away with the follow up, fairly stern 'step back'. I think he mumbled some compliments when leaving..
Problem these days is that all too often 'vagrants' look legit and normal looking people turn out to be 'vagrants'. Things like armed robberies, sucker-punches, car-jackings, and other types of assaults usually come from people that you would least expect to do such things.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
I was approached by a guy wanting money once. I reached in my pocket as if I was going for wallet but instead produced my badge and showed it to him. He got that deer in the headlights look, said "you have a good day, sir" and turned and swiftly walked away.
Had something similar happen. I was listening to my police scanner in the living room when someone started a loud banging on my front door. I opened the door to find three young [tough looking] guys standing there. They all inched closer until they heard the police calls, then all of a sudden they started babbling about having the wrong address before they literally stumbled over each other trying to leave as quickly as they could. Don't know but I suspect that this old man might have been a target for an attempted home-invasion 😲. I know the neighborhood has gone down-hill a lot over the 14 years that I've lived here.


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Mar 6, 2009
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Yukon, OK
Problem these days is that all too often 'vagrants' look legit and normal looking people turn out to be 'vagrants'. Things like armed robberies, sucker-punches, car-jackings, and other types of assaults usually come from people that you would least expect to do such things.
Yep, that's why I try my best to maintain a decent halo these days, rudely if necessary. Sucks, but that's where we are now..

Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Had something similar happen. I was listening to my police scanner in the living room when someone started a loud banging on my front door. I opened the door to find three young [tough looking] guys standing there. They all inched closer until they heard the police calls, then all of a sudden they started babbling about having the wrong address before they literally stumbled over each other trying to leave as quickly as they could. Don't know but I suspect that this old man might have been a target for an attempted home-invasion 😲. I know the neighborhood has gone down-hill a lot over the 14 years that I've lived here.

I never answer my door without my M&P45 in my hand. People that are welcome here, and visit quite often, are aware of this and announce who they are after they ring the doorbell.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2021
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Tulsa, OK
You never know. Had idiots zoom up on my car at a filling station this weekend. I kept eye contact. They were busy pooling their change and one went in I guess to pay. I left quickly. Felt very uneasy, guy at pump never closed door or showed both hands. Paranoid? Me?

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