Senator Warren speaks on minimum wage

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Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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Newsflash: We do live in a socialist society. A country can not operate without social programs.
This country operated quite well without social programs for over a century and a half. It wasn't really 'til FDR's New Deal that Americans didn't have to sink or swim on their own.


Special Hen
Feb 20, 2013
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broken arrow
Which part? The last sentence was sarcasm, the rest was fact.

lets just take one of those acronyms. OTA which I am assuming (i know I could be wrong about it) But I am assuming you mean the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. Please explain about the bang up job they do on Oklahoma toll roads. I mean I know I never see holes big enough to literally knock a tire off of my car if I was unable to miss them and I'm never the least bit embarrassed for our state when out of state residents drive on ours or when I go drive in other states... And just to fit the theme... ODOT... busting up perfectly fine roads for job security since the inception of the agency ;-) I can specifically point to the AWESOME job they did installing guard cables lower than the actual road which resulted in a vehicle crossing over into oncoming traffic causing a fatal accident literally a week or two after the work to save us all was completed.
oh who am I kidding I just can't stop.
Dont even get me started on the VA are you ****ing serious with that? You can't be. You cannot sit there with a straight face and tell me that the DVA takes care of our Veterans in the manner they deserve.

Private companies kick the ever living **** out of government ran agencies every day all day forever. Do you honestly believe that the government is the answer to all our problems and that if people would just get out of the way and let them do their good work that we would all be happy and equal?

to get back on the EW topic, she stated this “Guys, this is 2014, not 1914. Most Americans thought this was settled long, long ago. But for some reason Republicans keep dragging us back here over and over and over again. After all, the Hobby Lobby case is just the most recent battle in an all-out Republican assault on women’s access to basic healthcare.”
This one statement alone proves she is nothing more than a pot stirring moron at best. I won't even go into her stance on gun control and wanting to reinstate assault weapons ban among other things or her "my family lore" dictates that I am down with the native american struggle. forget all that pesky dna factual evidence, progressives are evil through and through it doesnt matter if they are progressive, D,R,I they are all concerned with one thing and one thing only. Control.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
lets just take one of those acronyms. OTA which I am assuming (i know I could be wrong about it) But I am assuming you mean the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority. Please explain about the bang up job they do on Oklahoma toll roads. I mean I know I never see holes big enough to literally knock a tire off of my car if I was unable to miss them and I'm never the least bit embarrassed for our state when out of state residents drive on ours or when I go drive in other states... And just to fit the theme... ODOT... busting up perfectly fine roads for job security since the inception of the agency ;-) I can specifically point to the AWESOME job they did installing guard cables lower than the actual road which resulted in a vehicle crossing over into oncoming traffic causing a fatal accident literally a week or two after the work to save us all was completed.
oh who am I kidding I just can't stop.
Dont even get me started on the VA are you ****ing serious with that? You can't be. You cannot sit there with a straight face and tell me that the DVA takes care of our Veterans in the manner they deserve.

Private companies kick the ever living **** out of government ran agencies every day all day forever. Do you honestly believe that the government is the answer to all our problems and that if people would just get out of the way and let them do their good work that we would all be happy and equal?
LMMFAO, no, I'm not pro gov. I'm stating what we have. As far as ODOT and OTA, you clearly have no idea what your talking about...but I digress.
Try privatizing this stuff and see where it goes. ODOT is already privatizing most of our design engineering work and what can be done in house for $100k is now being done privately (with your tax dollars) for 10 times that amount and the final product is crap.
Private prisons...hows that working for us? Want to privatize the police? Lets see what kind of bill that brings us along with the corporate corruption that follows. State and city ran services are not perfect by ANY means but its what we have.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area get back on the EW topic, she stated this “Guys, this is 2014, not 1914. Most Americans thought this was settled long, long ago. But for some reason Republicans keep dragging us back here over and over and over again. After all, the Hobby Lobby case is just the most recent battle in an all-out Republican assault on women’s access to basic healthcare.”
This one statement alone proves she is nothing more than a pot stirring moron at best. I won't even go into her stance on gun control and wanting to reinstate assault weapons ban among other things or her "my family lore" dictates that I am down with the native american struggle. forget all that pesky dna factual evidence, progressives are evil through and through it doesnt matter if they are progressive, D,R,I they are all concerned with one thing and one thing only. Control.


CHenry, you accused us of being simpletons and not liking her because of her political party. We've shown you more than quit changing the subject.

Do you really support Warren and what she stands for?


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed

CHenry, you accused us of being simpletons and not liking her because of her political party. We've shown you more than quit changing the subject.

Do you really support Warren and what she stands for?
I would never use such a word, if I want to call you a fool, I'll say fool. lol
I wasnt changing the subject. EW has her faults and I could give a rats ass about abortion and her 2A stance (guns are not going away so simmer down for christ sake). EW is a genius when it comes to finance and she understands how the banks and wall street are sucking in all the money and driving us to an end with derivatives. She understands them well and knows how to put a stop to it. Thats one aspect that no other single political figure has mentioned because they simply dont know. If EW did nothing more than balance our budget, regulate WS and banks and reduce the spiral our dollar is taking, that would be worth 4 years of her time to me. I'm still learning things about all the possible candidates so I am not supporting any of them 100% yet.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
If EW did nothing more than balance our budget, regulate WS and banks and reduce the spiral our dollar is taking, that would be worth 4 years of her time to me. I'm still learning things about all the possible candidates so I am not supporting any of them 100% yet.

Unfortunately, we can't elect our politicians on an a la carte basis. If you elect her, you get the whole package of issues/beliefs, not just the parts you think you might agree on. In her case the "solutions" might very well be worse than the original problems.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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I will state this as plainly as I can. If you support Elizabeth Warren's solutions, then you are, by definition, pro big government, because that's what her solutions are, plain and simple.

And I have heard her talk, in person. She identified the problems well; the solutions, not so much.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I dont support anyone yet. Did I already say that? Oh, yeah, I did.

Preceded by:

I like her.
A Paul/Warren ticket would be nice to see.

I DGAS about party affiliation, I listen to the individual. Those that dog on her likely dont know her well.

You didn't sound undecided. You professed a strong endorsement and suggested that those who opposed her simply didn't know her well enough and were motivated by Dem bashing.

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