Is anyone on here muslim?

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JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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The idea of prosperity gospel always makes me uncomfortable. The thought of using Christ like a cosmic slot machine, and giving for the purpose of getting more back goes against the reason you give in the first place. I certainly do not think Christians have to take a vow of poverty, but doubling down in the collection plate as a way to get God to bless you more is really distasteful to me.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area
I never claimed to be an athiest. Quite the contrary. But at least I'm honest enough to admit that until some sort of second coming, anything I do believe is nothing more than just what is in my mind.

I never said you were. I was just using that as an example of F'd up people that didn't involve imaginary stuff in their minds.

Just because we can't prove it now. If you are so safe in your beliefs why do you feel it necessary to attack others? Try telling people in ancient times the world was round. They'd laugh at you and ask you to prove it. And the knowledge, (at that time) wouldn't of allowed you to. Or the ancient thinking of the world was the center of the universe.

It is my belief that someone has created the universe. My proof, is that either this is true, or that our science is messed up. Basic laws of physics. There can't be a reaction without an action. So, if nothing was there to start the "big bang", you could infere there would still be nothing. Why at the point of creation, at that specific time, did it happen?

Easy man - he wasn't attacking anyone, just stating his side with the familiar OSA brand of smart-mouth that we all spew (myself included). We don't have to agree to be civil (which is honestly so much of a rarity for this subject that I'm questioning whether the end of the world is actually upon us right now) :)


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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JB, I hear you and it's one of my biggest concerns with some (by no means all) of the encounters I have had with churches in the past.

I definitely believe one can be blessed when living a humble and virtuous life (regardless of religion or denomination). But I don't believe one will become blessed over others simply because they profess a faith; as many can observe there are many godless people who live a much more wholesome life and there are some quite pious villains in the world as well.

I tend to think that humility and honesty puts people in a position to be successful in life, with themselves and society on the whole (of course "success" is very relative conceptually and spans across income levels wildly), not necessarily a professing of faith an a particular deity or doctrine.

Just my two cents, while we're waxing theological here.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Dude, I have read that before but never in that light. That is possibly the best thing I've read on the internet in at least the last 2-3 hours :P

So my son and daughter go to a Presby pre-school. Whatcha got on them from a comparative Christianity perspective? (I'm not a Christian but we just happen to like that school and the families/atmosphere/employees there).

Dude I'm no theologian. I've never been a believer, even as a kid doing the confirmation stuff to placate the old folks. Nevertheless my family has a a long involvement in the Methodist church, have family in the ministry, and I've sat through plenty of FUMC sermons and read enough about Wesley. That's the only reason I know a tad bit about them.

I align more with the Methodists than just about any other mainstream denomination. Politically and socially we're right on the same page. And again, we have a mutual love of making fun of Baptists that is really heartwarming. :D


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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The idea of prosperity gospel always makes me uncomfortable. The thought of using Christ like a cosmic slot machine, and giving for the purpose of getting more back goes against the reason you give in the first place. I certainly do not think Christians have to take a vow of poverty, but doubling down in the collection plate as a way to get God to bless you more is really distasteful to me.

Wow! Something we agree on. Two thumbs up here.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
The idea of prosperity gospel always makes me uncomfortable. The thought of using Christ like a cosmic slot machine, and giving for the purpose of getting more back goes against the reason you give in the first place. I certainly do not think Christians have to take a vow of poverty, but doubling down in the collection plate as a way to get God to bless you more is really distasteful to me.

My view on Prosperity vs. Poverty is that once you give up on finding happiness in material things (and outward appearances) and focus on the things that really matter, then things like prosperity cease to matter. If you're in poverty, then cool... If you happen to be prosperous, then that's cool too, but no one can take away that thing that truly makes you happy if it isn't measured in shallow outward or material standards.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Operate from the soul and not the ego. I wish I could truly do accomplish this. the people I have known whom truly live like this, are much happier, less anxious and generally more "present" in their lives.
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