Here we go again, another school shooting. This time in Texas

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Special Hen
Jun 3, 2013
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Central Oklahoma
So the police waited outside 40 min for the border patrol “swat” team to show up and go in? If true, that alone cost lives. I think we are still in that foggy period where the truth and fiction get tangled up.

Mental health is the obvious root of these kinds of things. While we sort out the best way to deal with the sickos, school security is(at least should be) the easier task to tackle.

So me thinking out loud…..after Sept 11 our country took a “never again” approach. We didn’t ban airplanes. We didn’t close airports. We didn’t tell people to stop flying.

We changed the way people flow into the airport. We changed security screenings. We beefed up cockpit doors. We put plain clothed air martials on flights. AND we realized evil is persistent and might slip through the cracks leaving pilots (the ones in control of the aircraft) sitting ducks so we allowed them to be trained and conceal carry. We addressed the threat at many levels….created a system of redundancy if you will. So far we haven’t had another incident of the flight being taken over since. We also haven’t had one single incident of anyone being hurt by a pilot carrying a gun.

As a teacher myself we have taken baby steps in the right direction at my school district. All outside doors remain locked 24/7 and staff gain access with an electronic keycard. However, glass is easily breakable. We have one public access point and visitors must scan into a computer system via DL and then be buzzed in by the secretary. Again, lots of glass involved. I highly doubt any of it is ballistic glass. We have an SRO who is in our building 90% of the time—he even has a gun safe in the office with a rifle. This is where the security plan stops. That is literally 100% of the plan until backup shows up. Until that happens we are sitting ducks. It is lock the doors and hide or throw spitballs at the perp.

If reports are accurate this time, the perp defeated 100% of the security plan in the first min or two and had 38 min. to do whatever he wanted.

Being someone who carries concealed outside of work, I would be happy to pay for whatever training the local LEO felt necessary for me to carry at work. To me it just makes sense to allow teachers to carry if we want to put an end to these horrific events.

The biggest argument I have heard from LEO concerning armed teachers is a friendly fire incident where LEO shows up, sees teacher with a gun and mistakes him/her as the perp.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 6, 2009
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Yukon, OK
I think part of the answer is right here.
No need for laws, just good people in their life that will notice their mental state and help them get treatment. Maybe the family will make sure the guns are locked up (tho they could get them somewhere else).

We need to improve our mental health systems so people can more easily get professional help.

It looks like the latest shooter didn't have good people close to him to help him. Now we're back to the argument for strong, mature, two parent homes with good role models.
That's going to be the hardest part.
I agree this is ultimately the answer. Family or people close to these perps are the ones in the best position to stop it. But, talking about strong family upbringing and values, role models etc is nebulous to most people, so they focus on the tangible, scary gun instead.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 18, 2021
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Somewhere west of Tulsa
Reading through this . . . if accurate . . . is infuriating. Never depend on others for your own safety.
The school shooting in Columbine changed the way law enforcement responds to active shooter situations. Before Columbine law enforcement was taught to secure the area and wait until specialized units arrived to deal with the shooter. Obviously that was a bad plan which is why everything changed after Columbine. Since then law enforcement is taught to immediately enter and stop the threat.

I'm not going to judge because I wasn't there and I learned a long time ago to take anything the media reports with a grain of salt. But I agree, if this is accurate and officers did not immediately enter the school it is infuriating and more than that, it is inexcusable.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City

Posted 9:34 PM, unknown time zone. Video taken sometime during the day, was it before, after or during the shooting? We do not know. If one assumes that it was during the shooting, would the introduction of more potential victims help? If the Border Patrol Officers that were in there engaging with the shooter had dozens of parents going in, would that have helped them to do their job? Also, all these people were there during the shooting? IMHO an attempt to make the police look bad. We do not know if someone in charge was aware of the border patrol officers in the school.


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
Posted 9:34 PM, unknown time zone. Video taken sometime during the day, was it before, after or during the shooting? We do not know. If one assumes that it was during the shooting, would the introduction of more potential victims help? If the Border Patrol Officers that were in there engaging with the shooter had dozens of parents going in, would that have helped them to do their job? Also, all these people were there during the shooting? IMHO an attempt to make the police look bad. We do not know if someone in charge was aware of the border patrol officers in the school.

Someone higher up could have told the police not to go in. If that’s true then this whole discussion is silly. They chase him into the school then chill outside??? Also they won’t let anyone else go in to stop the guy? If this is true, everything is Fd.

I honestly have no issues with them restraining the parents, I understand that completely. Firemen won't let you run into a burning house either. I get all that.

Armed officers standing around and not making entry while gun shots are being heard from inside an elementary school, if true, is unacceptable. I'm not saying that happened. I'm saying if it did, those cats need a new gig, cause they ain't cut out for that one.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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My wife just read me an account from one of the kids who was in the room and survived, and it’s gut wrenching.

After reading several news reportings, I haven’t heard anyone say that the guy specifically “targeted” that school. I’m still of the belief that it was a case of sad and horrific random and unintended consequences.


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
Reaction score
Blanchard, America
My wife just read me an account from one of the kids was in the room and survived, and it’s gut wrenching.

Full transparency, I've tried to avoid most of it, except here. I just ain't ready to read it or see it. I'm getting old and soft.

38 years ago I stopped being a LEO because the dead kids were just too much for me. Not much else bothered me, but that did. You do get hard, to some things. The kids bothered me more & more every, single, time. Every single time, it was worse, so I quit.

I'll get around to it; reading all the first hand accounts and watching all the videos, but not yet.

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