Another WTF thread...

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May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
So both of my daughters are public school teachers in a small ghetto town here in rural Oklahoma. My oldest teaches kindergarten and my baby teaches high school.

They both tell me some of the most godawful, gut wrenching stories of these kids and their upbringings, and it just drives you to a plethora of emotions. I can't help but look back at my life as a kid and realize how blessed I really was.

I thought I had just about heard it all, but today, my oldest grandson (he's 12/7th grade) told me something that he experienced today, and it absolutely floored me...

Therapy circle. :faint:

He and other students in his class sat in a circle, facing each other and were asked questions like...

Have you ever smoked or vaped?
Are you currently a smoker/vaper?
Do you ever drink alcohol?
Have you ever been intoxicated?

And several others. My question is...why does the teacher/school need to know this? Granted, this is not the type of behavior that preteens should be engaging in, but shouldn't this be the parents jobs to regulate their own kids? Of course, most parents don't give two sh!ts about their kids nowadays, so maybe the teachers are the only shred of hope this generation has.

Maybe I'm over thinking this whole thing, I dunno. We didn't have this kind of bullsh!t when I was in school. But times were WAY different then.
Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
Seventh grade, we were shown an experiment of dropping a pin head sized sliver of Na into water and collected the H2 gas given off which made about a 30 second flame from a glass tube in one class. Another class, we went outside and measured the shadow of the 50 ft flag pole with the US American flag. I had the honor of being chosen to hoist up that mornings flag. (7th graders put our flag up each morning, 8th graders took it down and properly folded for the evening.) But that morning, I was told to add an additional small 1/4 rope to the top clip marked off in one foot increments and let it hang to the ground in a pile. I thought it was odd. But later, we had this weirdo math teacher, took us outside that day to learn "math." Weirdo Math teacher done his homework knowing times of day and lengths of shadows, etc to put this together and had gone to the principle to invite the 8th graders to watch also. Doing that, I learned that from the tip of the flag pole 50ft to the tip of the shadow, 50 ft each directions, the two sides of a triangle equal the stretched out rope I had connected to 70ft, 1.4 times the height. Humm. Hell you could build a lot of knowledge with that, or even if you never used it in your future life, you LEARNED HOW TO THINK. Learned how REAL IS REAL. no matter how much BS is being spread you can see through it. Guess that is why I am typing this tonight,

If something costs 5.99, and has tax. I hand them a $20 and they give me back a $5 and some change back, duh, I know we have a problem. Yep that is what the cash register at Kum and Go said., Kids today have no idea how to count change. cost and count up till it gets to the amount paid. I am suspicious, do not say OK and drive off. No logic.

Couple years ago, U-tube. Chicago. HS graduate from Chicago, nice looking guy, did not look like a hoodie or a dope head, looked like and average 20-23 yo on the street. He was asked if a train was going 60 miles an hour, how long would it take for it to go 120 miles? Uh, long time. Prob 5 hours or so. Yep.

Has been erased off most of the internet. Henry Ford and the then pres of NEA front of the NEA Convention back in the 30 or 40s saying we have to be careful. Teach as much as we need for the kids to be able to function for the jobs we need them to do, but not enough for them to start questioning us and thinking they can compete against us. Base NEA is like the base Democratic party and Oldsmobile. Yep, the base is not your fathers base anymore.

Yep, NEA which I have several family members also, is 98% Ra TA for you being a Teacher for their members and teachers, but the rest of the 2% slime is like the frog in the pot. Now lets spend 2% teaching our children to take a dick up their ass. We can call it diversity training.. Reading, We will replace the communications class. Not something that most people can do if it has more than five words, writing which most people can not do if it has more than five words or an emoji on their phone, or arithmetic of counting how many children they have fathered the will acknowledge if they have to do on a tax form.

Not bashing anyone here who has any connection or realitives associated with NEA, I would presume they have good intentions, BUT We are Oklahoma. Not NY city. Ya know? We are 2A here, Not NY city teaching to use headge clippers. (which in my opinion should be the first part of 'transgender" surgery.

No one at school taught me how to JO, I learned that on my own, eventually ran across Suzie who was a little older than me in the neighborhood who taught me there were better things in life. Guess I have been ruined ever since.

Me at 75 yo learned what I know from Grade school and HS education, and my parents. Yep, not much talked about today, Kinda like the Indian Vodo doctor. Got mystic powers, have what used to be described as "Common sense".

Again, wanting to teach "share" knowledge is basically all we have after our horny days of making children. Yep, after that, all we have left is to share our experiences, where we F*** up knowledge, educational or hard times in our life to share so we can hopefully and here is the problem, help you go through an easier life than I had.

Their lies the problem, Man has been on earth 5 million years. Now, we are needing to change all that cause the screamers need to be heard.

Yep NEA, you have accomplished your perverted 2% task. "Up yours" from someone in Oklahoma who is never going to stick it there just cauze the NEA 2% thinks it is right,.


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Dec 26, 2016
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On the side of nunya business, with a big"but". Some parents do not know nor do they care what is going on in their own kids life. For some of these kids the only help or concern is going to be that teacher. I think most teachers care about the kids and want the best for them.
I know there are teachers with issues , but think/hope they are the minority.
Oct 9, 2012
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On the side of nunya business, with a big"but". Some parents do not know nor do they care what is going on in their own kids life. For some of these kids the only help or concern is going to be that teacher. I think most teachers care about the kids and want the best for them.
I know there are teachers with issues , but think/hope they are the minority.
I'm with ya here. I'm a huge none of your business fan, but kids are being raised worse than dogs these days.

Even a flake teacher might be the best example some kids have. When I used to pick up church kids it was astonishing at how low the standard of living was for many. No excuse for it, and the habits the kids are exposed to are bound to rub off.

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